Thursday 8 June 2017

Positive Thinking.

As I haven't been in the greatest frame of mind in the past month I thought I'd spend my time focusing on the exciting things coming up in my life. Because I thrive on having something to look forward to. Whether it is in years to come or just around the corner. Goals are important to me. But making sure they are attainable is more so. Still there are a few events coming up that I am super excited for mainly because they are firsts for me.

To start with, my wonderful sister is taking me to go see the Harry Potter Studios! I've been to London before so that isn't as new and exciting. Well I guess it's my first time with Hal. But I am excited to go see Hogwarts and the forbidden forest. And I will spend lots of money. But since I physically can't move out anytime soon I shall spend it while I can.

Then on the 16th I am attending a wedding. Which I am worried about because I have no idea what goes on at a wedding and my only comfort are work friends. Who I still get worried that if they hang out with me too much realise I am weird. But I'm not going to let that stop me. Weddings seem like so much fun and I am honoured I'm being asked to share this day. I've battled to decide on a dress but I think I've found one and now I just have to worry about shoes. I'm stressing a little about getting my hair cut in time but that's not too bad an issue I guess. And I'm going to dye my hair for the ocassion.

Which is another thing I am excited for because I am going back to red. I usually go for a purple and it fades to a reddish brown pretty quickly. So I looked back at old photos and reminisced aboutique the beautiful red hair I used to have. Hopefully it doesn't go badly. 

Another thing I pray will not go badly is my holiday in July. I booked all the hotels and we have a brief plan of action and I could not be more excited to spend a week away with Matthew. I get to see Dolphins! And pandas. But to be honest if I don't I'm not too fussed because I'll have Matt with me and he makes me happy enough without even trying. I think I'm just worried that he won't have a good time more than anything. 

So those are a few things for now. But I need to find some more before they come and go. Because if not I fear I'll end back where I started. But if you evereally feel stressed or down, focus on those positive exciting things! It's definitely what I am going to keep doing. 

See you when I see you!

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