Hey, so by now you should be expecting a PICk of the Month post. For October, November and in about 15 days, December. Well I'm too behind, they take too long, and they stress me out because I feel I cannot do anything until I have done them. So do I do them now all in one big mash up? Or do I give up on yet another thing I have promised to do this year. I guess we'll mash them up.

TV Show: So over the past three months I have been loving Agents of Shield, You Me And The Apocalypse, and Girl Meets World. All very different shows but still mean a lot. Shield has just gone on it's Christmas break and OH MY GOD this season has been so intense. Maybe I will do more of a review spoiler thing in a different post. Apocalypse was more of an, I just want to know what happens programme as it was never completely entertaining. But I loved the twist at the end, and I would like it to come back as an after the apocalypse point of view. Girl Meets World is a disney channel show, and yes I am too old to love Disney Channel, but I can't help it sometimes. This show is actually pretty good and it teaches you things about life, like not everything revolves around you and people change people and I just like the story they have because it seems more meaningful than the Disney I had when I was the right age for it.

Youtube: I hate to say it but since I started my apprenticeship, I haven't been watching as much youtube. I started watching this new guy (to me, he's been on youtube a while) called Matthias and I like his challenge videos with other people and his trying food from different countries. I found it weird when he didn't know what a smartie was. But mainly I have been watching the usual people I have mentioned before. However I shall mention my love for The Try Guys and I believe you should all go watch their videos because they are super funny.
Blog Post: Let's not dwell on the shame for much longer. There has only been one blog post in however long and that is my life update back in October. So I guess that is my pick.
Dream: Don't really remember many of my dreams. Nonetheless they are all still very weird. At one point I dreamt that I was kicked out of this place and I was all ready to go and find my parents but it was a dark night and everything was foggy and I saw these silhouettes walking towards me and I was only scared by this when people started to run in other directions, so I tried finding a new place to go but they were coming from everywhere so I tried banging on this grand door to let me back in, but then I woke up. Then the other night I had this weird dream that Hitler had come back to life and tried making me a Nazi. I think that had something to do with me watching psychoville that day though. But I was being all free running and climbing along buildings to get away from him. I'm pretty badass in some of my dreams. That's pretty much all I remember.

Song: Basically anything Fall Out Boy I have been in love with. But I have also rekindled my love for The Killers: Mr Brightside. So we shall have that one. But since it is coming up to Christmas I would also choose Fairytale of New York for the spirit of things.
Game: Well I haven't really played many games, so I'll go with one I played recently with my friends. Scrabble. Yes the old classic of good spelling. Even though the three of us were mainly getting four letter words. But we managed to get like 100 points by the end of the game and I think that is pretty good.
Picture: As per everything else I don't take many pictures like I used to. I miss it. Everyday I would snap a picture with someone, every outing would be filled with a selfie or 10 with the same person making the same stupid faces. But now the time is more for talking and catching up. There is this really cute picture of Hal and I on our xmas shopping outing and I treated her to lunch.
Once again I am sorry for giving up pretty much on this blog. It's not that I want to, because I do have drafts that I am meaning to finish it's just finding the time/remembering to finish them. I will try better next time I promise. But for now just remember. I am always here, just a bit lazy/busy. Unless you don't care. But I care. Because this was my escape for me when I started this 2 years ago. A way for me to complain about things or just take my mind off them. So I will try harder. LOVE YOU! Thanks for the support.
See you when I see you!
Hey, so it's been awhile since you've read about what I have been up to. Which isn't actually very much. But I'll try and make this as interesting as I can. So I'll split this into sections like I did last time.
Apprenticeship: Things have improved in this department, as I am getting a better hold on my work. Yeah I still have stress days before my assessor comes in but I think that is normal. I'm starting to feel more like I fit in now which is always good, and recently we had a pj day and I was loving it, and it made everyone seem more relaxed and happy, which is always good. A bad side to it however is that some of my favourite members of staff are leaving, or considering leaving. Which makes me worry that things are going to be a bit shit. But hopefully it won't get that bad, I'll try to find a silver lining to it all I guess. Overall I'm happy with this, and am glad to have found it when I did.
Social Life: So I'm still being pretty shit with talking to my friends as much as I would like to, but it's just I have nothing to talk about. But I still try to make efforts, by joining in with the group chat when I can, or tagging people in funny posts I find hoping that will lead to something, and more recently making plans to meet up. However most people are at Uni now so it was only really 5 of us. But I still had fun with them all, and it was nice to just chat about nothing. I think being away from people does make me a bit more social. Which sounds weird but to me makes sense.
Personal Stuff: A new thing with me is that I want to start exercising. And after having a chat with Claire and Lish on the bus it made me realise that I am really the only thing stopping me. So my plan is to organise when and how I want to do this and just do it, and stick with it, and not be worried when I don't get immediate results. Hopefully when I am next posting I can tell you all about how I have started this and how well it is going.
I guess this will do for now, as nothing else is really going on.
See you when I see you!
Well hello there. I remembered that I made a promise to do a favourite thing every month this year, and I've failed. But I guess that means I will just have to catch up, but I only missed once so it isn't that bad. However I can barely remember what went on in August, but here goes :)
Tv Show: This month a new TV show started on BBC, when I saw the advert I was kind of intrigued as it made it seem like it was just about a young guy dating an older woman, and his mum was not happy about it. But there was more, and that is why I chose Boy Meets Girl for this month. If you haven't seen it I suggest you watch it all on Iplayer if you can, because it was very cute and just a nice show, which didn't need drama, or to be insanely funny.
Youtuber: This month CutiePieMarzia made more videos than she usually does. so I had been watching a lot of them, if you don't know who she is, she's a beauty vlogger, but she also does other things, like she takes little trips and vlogs them, and creates weird little horror stories, and plays games (because she is the girlfriend of the most famous gaming youtuber). I like her mainly because she is a bit weird, and isn't afraid to show it. Which is why I enjoy her vlogs.
Blog Post: Well this is easy. Where Have I Been? Shall we just leave it at that to not continue my shame :/
Dream: So I don't remember much about this dream, but I was in this old looking town, and in the middle of it was a swimming pool, with a bunch of different sized diving boards. So loads of people (including myself) were all set up on the diving boards and one person dived in first and instead of a ripple of water it was a splash of the colour orange, and then everyone jumped in and loads of different colours just appeared in the pool, and I was watching it. Then I jumped in, the water turned all murky as if it was a river instead of a swimming pool, and I couldn't find a ladder or anything to get out, and then I woke up. So yeah...
Song: Well since fall out boy are my favourite band expect for most of these choices to be one of their songs. This month I particularly liked. It's hard to say "I do" when I don't. It's just awesome and catchy, what else do I need to say.
Game: Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have probably heard of the game.Until Dawn!!! I watched the playthrough that Kpop made and it was just brilliant, and like what?! Go watch it. Go watch it. However I think I preferred it when everything could be explained, but my god it was intense, so I don't mind that much. GO WATCH IT!
And finally...Picture: Now I haven't actually taken any pictures. Sorry!
See you when I see you!
Well hello there. I remembered that I made a promise to do a favourite thing every month this year, and I've failed. But I guess that means I will just have to catch up, but I only missed once so it isn't that bad. However I can barely remember what went on in August, but here goes :)
Tv Show: Even though it was launched towards the end of August I was kind of excited for the new season of The Strain, and as I didn't really watch much TV from lack of time I have chosen this one as my monthly fav. However I am very disappointed that they changed the child actor, because now he is just douchey. I am enjoying the story so far and was enjoying how we get a little more backstory and the question of how they will kill the master is what is keeping me interested.
Youtuber: I'm going to go with Markiplier because I remember watching a chain of his videos after seeing a fanimation. I really like some of the challenge videos he does with his friends they are hilarious,and that is why I have chosen him for this.
Blog Post: This is easy as there has only been 3 blog posts in August. Ooops. But I will go with Fact or Fiction because it involves me and the greatest guy on earth :) Sorry for the cringeyness.
Dream: When I first started my apprenticeship I would have these weird dreams relating to the work I did. I remember one (around the time I was off sick from my apprenticeship) to do with food at work, but we were in my bedroom, it was just weird. (yes the picture is of a bed that looks like a chocolate bar)
Song: I'd say I listened a lot to Hello Cold World by Paramore. I just love the beat and the lyrics, it just makes me happy. Plus it's one I can sing to and I love singing so yeah.
Game: I haven't really played any games, like last time, but I went bowling, so I am going to count that as a game (because it is really) so yeah. I enjoyed bowling because it was with my friends who don't really get competitive as we are all a bit shit (sorry guys but let's face it) and I managed to get 0 points even with the barriers up. Which is pure failure skills right there. This is the closest picture I can get of us bowling, you can kind of make out the pins in the background.
And finally...Picture: We went bowling as a birthday celebration for Amy and I got some nice pictures that day, however because the lighting in there is terrible some of us just look like ghosts. Plus it's kind of blurry but that's half the fun!.
See you when I see you!
Hey, so it has been a long while. A very long while since you have last read a post from me, and I am very sorry for it. But in my defence it has been a busy month. I started my new job and was just in the whole settling in stage and figuring out my schedules and things, and whenever I tried settling down to post I was just too tired. Also my sister has returned home from Derby and has been with me every night so I don't feel like blogging when she is around.
But all of this has put me in the place of, I would like to blog, but as I can't really talk about what happens at my job, and stuff outside that is really boring. I don't have anything to really talk about. Which again is why I have been quiet for however long it has been. Then again, I loved having a blog because it helps me talk about things and rant about things and blahdeblahblah. So it may not be as regular as it used to be, but I am going to continue with it as often as I possibly can.
So with this post I will just update you on my life from then to now.
Apprenticeship: At first I was really nervous because I am usually one of those people who takes a while to settle in, but I think I am getting there now and feel I have some good friendships with some of my colleagues. Though it was because of this awkwardness I had I started falling behind with my work and getting a bit stressed out with it all. So when my assessor came in like 8 days early I barely had anything to show her, making me feel like shit. But then I got my act together stressing myself out for her next visit (like two weeks after the first). She told me she really liked all the work I did and then expressed this to the management team who told me they were impressed and I was so confused because I didn't think I did that well. But yay! So I am a lot happier now because I am more confident that the work I do is right and having support to do so.
Social Life: I'd say since 6th form ended I probably have not been the chattiest. Mainly because like I said my life is boring so I have nothing to talk about. But now I know what I am doing and feel settled with it I am going to become more social with those I want to keep close to. Which is why yesterday I organised a little meet up in the city. Which was so nice, mainly because I saw Paige who I have not seen in months (as she didn't go to 6th form) and we got to bond over our similar jobs, seeing everyone else was great to and we had gossips and fangirl moments and talking about when to next meet up. So it was really nice. I also got to say a proper goodbye to Emma as well before she left for uni. I think it is because of some people leaving that I want to try harder to keep them in my life, which is why I find it weird I talk to Giancarlo more than I have ever really done, but it's nice considering he is now so far away. Before I made this choice to speak to everyone I only really spoke to people in the group chat (which was rare) and Harvey and Ashton who I would see on the bus, and I found that odd because I would talk to them more than my closest friends. But to recap, going to be more social, because friends are important.
There is a final aspect of my life but I think I am going to save that for another post. So I hope you enjoyed hearing from me after all this time, and I hope to see you soon. I guess getting rid of the daily blog means I can't use my usual send off message, so I should think of a new one. Let's just go with:
See you when I see you!
It's pretty similar and more accurate :P
Wednesday 22nd: Basically I woke up to get ready to go to Apps (which is short for apprenticeship, and I didn't want to say work whilst I still work at my part time job so it's easier to differentiate, so when I say Apps it's the job I love, when I say work it's the job I don't mind, got it? Good). It was an adorable day as per usual and there was a point when I was practically being split in half, which was weird. I left an hour later than I should have done. Arrived in the citay, headed to the meeting place and saw: Maddy, Tom, Tom, Emma, Emily, Siobhan and Connor. After getting some drinks and food and chatting about tv shows and films Maddy and I split from the rest and spent ages in Gifted amazed by the great collection of funko pop vinyl figures. Then we met up with everyone else and they were undecided on what we should do. So I sat on the floor. After more confusing we finally decided that we should go and just hang out at Maddy and Tom's place. Once we arrived there Siobhan and the Tom who did not live there left, and the remainder of us played Monopoly on the ps4. It was Maddy vs Tom vs myself vs Connor vs Emma&Emily. It was a fun little game. It got to the point where the rest of us had to go, so as I had the most money I claimed I won. Emily and I then got the bus home chatting about many things. At home I played sims with Hal, ate food and went to sleeps.
Thursday 23rd: I wasn't at Apps today so I managed to have a nice little lay in. Then I got ready for the day out. As today was my mum's birthday. So backstory: my nanny owns a caravan in Hemsby and mum and dad went there for the week as a little holiday, and since it was my mum's birthday my grandparents (her parents) were going to drive Hal and I down there so we can all spend the day together. So we got ready, got picked up, got lost, got to Hemsby, chatted a bit (mainly about phones), went to get food at The Castle Carvery (it was good), got lost on the way there, almost got killed on the way there, ate food, had drinks/chatted, went back, chatted some more, Hal and I played mini golf and Bingo (with our winnings I got a my little pony plush), got back chatted some more and didn't get as lost on the way home. At home I wrote out some of this, watched youtube, watched a filmed from my childhood with Hal, and slept.
Friday 24th: Today I had work which was pretty fun, just a regular kind of shift. When I got home Hal and I watched another childhood type film and I think at some point we played sims. At this point it was getting late so I went to sleep.
Saturday 25th: More work, and I was visited by some of my friends which was nice. Normal work day really.
Sunday 26th: Mainly just chilling, playing sims, and watching doctor who.
Monday 27th: I went into Apps for the morning which was extra adorable and when I had finished I met with Hariette in a pub and we had a nice lunch, then we proceeded to go shopping. I mainly bought clothing, but also treated myself to an Ariel funko pop vinyl figure. Then we came home and I tried to edit a blog post and she watched and then it crashed so we waited for sims to load and watched youtube. Then we felt sleepy so went to bed.
Tuesday 28th: It was the induction for Apps today so I made sure I was there on time, and there was a lot of waiting around as things needed to be printed off, but overall it took less time than what they told us it would. So it wasn't bad.
Wednesday 29th: My first official day at my new job :D It wasn't exactly as I thought it would be as I learnt some rules I had not previously been told, so I ended up mainly cleaning and doing odd office tasks, but I still loved it. Once i had finished I came home and did the usual chilling.
Thursday 30th: Day two at Apps which was different as there wasn't enough to do in the room I am meant to be in I was relocated, so it was fun experiencing the different places for a whole day, however I was still kind of stuck with the cleaning tasks, but I didn't mind that too much. Then it turns out the rules I was told didn't actually apply to me as I am older than they thought I was so it's ok. More just chilling at home.
Friday 31st: Again at Apps I was in my non-usual room but it was still a great day as I was in a room with someone I knew and it was adorable. And left me very tired. However as the day progressed I started to hate it a little bit more, because there were two people just starting to grind my gears, but luckily I don't spend much time with them over the course of my apprenticeship. When I left I noticed a message from Gian about having a spontaneous sleepover. Which is all well and good but I would have needed to go home to get stuff for the weekend. So I waited for a bus. And waited and waited. It did turn up in the end, just 40 minutes late (well technically one didn't show and the next scheduled one was ten minutes late). Once home I chatted to the fam to explain what was going on, jumped in the shower, got ready and was about to make a bite to eat when Emma (who I had scheduled a lift with but she never gave me a time) told me she was on her way, so I just left, having not really eaten much that day. But at Gian's it was fun we all sat around scrolling through tumblr watching weird videos and movies and yeah. I tried falling asleep multiple times, but that failed, until everyone settled at 3ish. But I was super tired because my routine had been broken, so I was asleep until 11 the next day.
Saturday 1st: When I had awoken I walked into the bedroom to start getting ready to go. Once ready I waited until others left as we all just left together. Then I headed to a surprise birthday thing for Billy. When we arrived it was kind of awkward for me as these weren't my usual group of people but once we sat down and laughed over Kieran freaking out over a pair of curtains, I felt much better. However, awkwardness continued when it came to the food situation. Basically some people ordered sides (mainly garlic bread) and I ordered soup as a main as there wasn't much choice for me, so they got that all out even though we said we just wanted all the food out together (because at this point we had waited half an hour) but nothing. So I was just sat there awkwardly eating soup, while they waited a further half an hour for their food. Some people went to complain and we got free desserts so not all was bad. After this we headed to this weird pub like place, having a few laughs along the way, and I failed at playing darts.
Sunday 2nd: I tried to catch up with some tv and youtube.
Monday 3rd: Back to Apps, and I was in my correct room, yay! It was a nice day. When home I just chilled.
Tuesday 4th: Again more App action, pretty much the same as the day before.
Wednesday 5th: Today was pretty much the same as Monday and Tuesday, but 15 minutes before I was to finish something really unexpected happened. (Gross Alert) I threw up. Then had a mini panic attack because I had thrown up. Luckily all was ok and I was told I couldn't be in for the rest of the week, which sucks because I love it there, but it's the best thing to do in that situation. So I got mother to come and pick me up and I spent the evening on the sofa watching tv and this transferred to me lying in bed watching youtube. Eventually I fell asleep, and woke up and fell asleep and woke up, and this pattern continued through the night. On the plus side I only threw up one other time.
Thursday 6th: From the fact my mum had to wake me up at some time after 12 I assumed I was rather exhausted. So I got out of bed, and immediately fell over. I guess all that rest made my legs forget they were legs. The rest of the day was just resting my illness off.
Friday 7th: Which is basically what today was also.
Saturday 8th: Work scheduled me a shift today and I was prepared to go in as the sickness feeling wore off. However, for the past week I have had this really bad cough and it was especially bad this morning so I decided that wasn't really appropriate for work so I stayed at home, chilling.
Sunday 9th: Same as yesterday really.
Monday 10th: Back at Apps, but I have moved to a different room for the week. I miss the old room but this is still adorable. I also found out who caused me to be ill. After Apps I watched some tv and played some sims.
Tuesday 11th: Basically the same day, but the sims playing was with my sister.
Wednesday 12th: Again the day was the same, however someone told me that I was their favourite person which made me smile :). Also when I got home I watched Final Destination 3 instead of playing sims.
Fucking hell that was a long post. Well thanks for reading if you are still here.
See you in the 'morrow!
Hello. So I have been a bit naughty for not posting in what has been..well...ages. Now there are a couple of reasons for this. First I started my apprenticeship, and when I get home I have just been too tired to do anything really. Secondly was the hatred I felt for my computer. Basically I was actually going to post on Monday 27th, I had spent that afternoon editing an amazing video and the system crashed and lost it all. You can ask my sister how frustrated I was, and from that point I had given up with it, because all my effort was wasted. So I apologise. But onto something that is a overdue. The Monthly PICks! This is a little difficult because it's a mismatch of things. So I hope you enjoy it.
Tv Show: This month I will go with the show Humans, as that was going on this month, and I feel like it's a good time to share my opinion on it. Basically I thought it was ok but not the best thing ever (I haven't watched a lot of tv this month which is why I haven't chosen anything else for this). But don't get me wrong there were a few moments I liked. Odie for a start was just full blown adorable and he should have been the main focus. And the oh my god factor picked up a little. The ending however I felt was shit. Just saying.
Youtuber: Umm..jeez... I guess I will go with TheRPGMinx as I have been watching a lot of her online Cards against humanity plays. Which are hilarious. She is hilarious herself, and she isn't ashamed of who she is which is inspirational. You should check her out.
Blog Post: Well there hasn't really been that many blog posts this month so this should actually be easier. I guess it would be Let's Play Agario, as I had a lot of fun filming it, as it involved playing a loved game of mine. Didn't enjoy editing it that much, but oh well.
Dream: I literally cannot remember any of my dreams. I'm not even sure I really had any. So I will replace it with this thought. If Cinderella's slipper was the perfect fit, how did it fall off?
Song: Hmm... This month I have rather enjoyed listening to some classic Busted. Year 3000 would probably have to be the song of choice in this instance. How can you not enjoy some classic Busted? Well I guess it is McBusted now... Practically the same.
Game: I haven't really played any games. Actually there is one I can talk about. Monopoly. But not just any Monopoly, a ps4 version that we all played at Maddy and Tom's house. it was pretty fun even though I had no idea what was really going on. I had the most money when we had to finish playing so I claim that I had won. It was pretty fun.
And finally...Picture: Aaah. I guess this, because it's from the night of the psychology gathering and it was a pretty fun evening.
See you in the 'morrow!
Hello. So today I had something amazing planned. Last week I had recorded a good half an hour of footage which I was going to edit down to a great video playthrough. If you haven't guessed already I am talking about myself playing le sims 4. As I was trying to edit this just now the footage completely failed, even though it was fine the other day. Now it looks like this.
I have the talking but that is just useless now. Therefore I am afraid to say I do not have a post for you today. Well at least a decent one. Instead I am going to listen to the voice record and remember what I did and just give a just of what happen. But when I get round to recording I will probably just start it all again. Here we go:
I basically introduce everything, the house and the family. This is a screenshot of the fam.
They stood around doing nothing, hugged and went on the computer. Simception.
Small house tour.
Neighbours arrived. One of them scared me.
I just talk to myself, and get confused.
Make the neighbours some drinks and they just talk awkwardly to the girls. Finding things to talk about.
This happens for ages.
They leave.
Food gets made.
The neighbour wants to hang out again even though she just left.
Homework gets done.
They fail to pee.
More talking to myself.
Something weird happened which I do not describe and simply ask if you can see it. So yeah...
More house tours as the last one was interrupted.
Talking about downloaded content I use in my games (just search the internet and you'll find a bunch of amazing things, I cannot remember every single package name I own).
I notice one of the curtains is a slightly different colour to the rest of the ones in the room. They go to sleep.
I ask you to leave suggestions of what I should do with the family. So feel free to comment!
Sorry again this sucked, but hopefully I can get things sorted soons.
See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday 15th: Today was a very good day. First off I went to the place of my apprenticeship for an induction type thing. Yeah I had to wait around for like half an hour for the manager to turn up and then read a bunch safeguarding information. There were 20 pages! But it was important information. After that I spent time meeting the people I will be working with and I had a lovely time. Then I left like half an hour late and walked home with this girl I knew from school who just so happens to work there also.
Thursday 16th: Today I just had a day to myself preparing for an exciting thing on my blog. Also just chillaxing. Not much to tell.
Friday 17th: Went to work (as in part time job work) and it was pretty standard. Apart from the fact I stayed behind an extra 46 minutes and during that time I had shake mix thrown down my back by my manager.
Saturday 18th: Work again. Had to go in an hour earlier :'( But it actually wasn't that bad a day.
Sunday 19th: Had the day off and spent it watching tv with my dad. Mainly the old episodes of Doctor Who. It was nice. Then Hal returned home and we watched more tv together, before I knew it it was time to sleep.
Monday 20th: I woke up early as I had to be at the apprenticeship place again. I was in more of a specific room today and it was just utterly adorable. On my way home I popped into McDonald's and got myself a strawberry lemonade because they are delicious and I got Hal a mcflurry even though it melted by the time I got home. We then watched some TV and showed each other youtube videos. Sleep.
Tuesday 21st: Again I went to the apprenticeship place, and was in a different room, but it was still utterly adorable. It was a little ruined by the fact that it was too hot to function.
See you in the 'morrow!
Once again I am too tired to type out a full blown post so I am just going to do a short little thing. Basically I have been thinking about the structure of my blog recently as I am moving on to full time employment pretty much and will not have as much time as I used to. This means I may have to update the tagline at the top of this page. Which I cannot remember how to do. Anywho...So because of this I will be posting less, and I thought I would like to do 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that way I can get breaks in between. So far I think it will go thusly.
Monday: Vlogs. Now this will either be just me talking to the camera doing challenges editing random footage from random things or playing games. It will probably continue the alternating pattern between games and talking unless I find myself leaning towards one more than the other. But that is just dependent on my mood I guess.
Wednesday: Weekly Update: So the same as my current Tuesday schedule just a day later.
Friday: Random. Yeah I am keeping it random but it will incorporate Elli's Thoughts as sometimes I struggle with these two days as they are similar in a sense. So this can be my thoughts on things, reviews, rants, the twitter and facebook files, maybe even more videos, maybe some advice. Just stuff I guess.
So that's pretty much all I have to say on the matter, besides the fact that I will not start it this week (as you can tell from the lack of a video). However that doesn't necessarily mean it will start next week, even though it is more likely. But at least you have a heads up.
See you in the 'morrow!