PICk of the Month: October, November, December (I suck I know).
Hey, so by now you should be expecting a PICk of the Month post. For October, November and in about 15 days, December. Well I'm too behind, they take too long, and they stress me out because I feel I cannot do anything until I have done them. So do I do them now all in one big mash up? Or do I give up on yet another thing I have promised to do this year. I guess we'll mash them up.

TV Show: So over the past three months I have been loving Agents of Shield, You Me And The Apocalypse, and Girl Meets World. All very different shows but still mean a lot. Shield has just gone on it's Christmas break and OH MY GOD this season has been so intense. Maybe I will do more of a review spoiler thing in a different post. Apocalypse was more of an, I just want to know what happens programme as it was never completely entertaining. But I loved the twist at the end, and I would like it to come back as an after the apocalypse point of view. Girl Meets World is a disney channel show, and yes I am too old to love Disney Channel, but I can't help it sometimes. This show is actually pretty good and it teaches you things about life, like not everything revolves around you and people change people and I just like the story they have because it seems more meaningful than the Disney I had when I was the right age for it.

Youtube: I hate to say it but since I started my apprenticeship, I haven't been watching as much youtube. I started watching this new guy (to me, he's been on youtube a while) called Matthias and I like his challenge videos with other people and his trying food from different countries. I found it weird when he didn't know what a smartie was. But mainly I have been watching the usual people I have mentioned before. However I shall mention my love for The Try Guys and I believe you should all go watch their videos because they are super funny.
Blog Post: Let's not dwell on the shame for much longer. There has only been one blog post in however long and that is my life update back in October. So I guess that is my pick.
Dream: Don't really remember many of my dreams. Nonetheless they are all still very weird. At one point I dreamt that I was kicked out of this place and I was all ready to go and find my parents but it was a dark night and everything was foggy and I saw these silhouettes walking towards me and I was only scared by this when people started to run in other directions, so I tried finding a new place to go but they were coming from everywhere so I tried banging on this grand door to let me back in, but then I woke up. Then the other night I had this weird dream that Hitler had come back to life and tried making me a Nazi. I think that had something to do with me watching psychoville that day though. But I was being all free running and climbing along buildings to get away from him. I'm pretty badass in some of my dreams. That's pretty much all I remember.

Song: Basically anything Fall Out Boy I have been in love with. But I have also rekindled my love for The Killers: Mr Brightside. So we shall have that one. But since it is coming up to Christmas I would also choose Fairytale of New York for the spirit of things.
Game: Well I haven't really played many games, so I'll go with one I played recently with my friends. Scrabble. Yes the old classic of good spelling. Even though the three of us were mainly getting four letter words. But we managed to get like 100 points by the end of the game and I think that is pretty good.
Picture: As per everything else I don't take many pictures like I used to. I miss it. Everyday I would snap a picture with someone, every outing would be filled with a selfie or 10 with the same person making the same stupid faces. But now the time is more for talking and catching up. There is this really cute picture of Hal and I on our xmas shopping outing and I treated her to lunch.
Once again I am sorry for giving up pretty much on this blog. It's not that I want to, because I do have drafts that I am meaning to finish it's just finding the time/remembering to finish them. I will try better next time I promise. But for now just remember. I am always here, just a bit lazy/busy. Unless you don't care. But I care. Because this was my escape for me when I started this 2 years ago. A way for me to complain about things or just take my mind off them. So I will try harder. LOVE YOU! Thanks for the support.
See you when I see you!
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