Friday 7 August 2015

PICks of the Month: July.

Hello. So I have been a bit naughty for not posting in what has been..well...ages. Now there are a couple of reasons for this. First I started my apprenticeship, and when I get home I have just been too tired to do anything really. Secondly was the hatred I felt for my computer. Basically I was actually going to post on Monday 27th, I had spent that afternoon editing an amazing video and the system crashed and lost it all. You can ask my sister how frustrated I was, and from that point I had given up with it, because all my effort was wasted. So I apologise.  But onto something that is a overdue. The Monthly PICks! This is a little difficult because it's a mismatch of things. So I hope you enjoy it. 
Tv Show: This month I will go with the show Humans, as that was going on this month, and I feel like it's a good time to share my opinion on it. Basically I thought it was ok but not the best thing ever (I haven't watched a lot of tv this month which is why I haven't chosen anything else for this). But don't get me wrong there were a few moments I liked. Odie for a start was just full blown adorable and he should have been the main focus. And the oh my god factor picked up a little. The ending however I felt was shit. Just saying.
Youtuber: Umm..jeez... I guess I will go with TheRPGMinx as I have been watching a lot of her online Cards against humanity plays. Which are hilarious. She is hilarious herself, and she isn't ashamed of who she is which is inspirational. You should check her out.

Blog Post: Well there hasn't really been that many blog posts this month so this should actually be easier. I guess it would be Let's Play Agario, as I had a lot of fun filming it, as it involved playing a loved game of mine. Didn't enjoy editing it that much, but oh well.
Dream: I literally cannot remember any of my dreams. I'm not even sure I really had any. So I will replace it with this thought. If Cinderella's slipper was the perfect fit, how did it fall off?
Song: Hmm... This month I have rather enjoyed listening to some classic Busted. Year 3000 would probably have to be the song of choice in this instance. How can you not enjoy some classic Busted? Well I guess it is McBusted now... Practically the same. 
Game: I haven't really played any games. Actually there is one I can talk about. Monopoly. But not just any Monopoly, a ps4 version that we all played at Maddy and Tom's house. it was pretty fun even though I had no idea what was really going on. I had the most money when we had to finish playing so I claim that I had won. It was pretty fun. 
And finally...Picture: Aaah. I guess this, because it's from the night of the psychology gathering and it was a pretty fun evening. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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