Sunday 25 October 2015

PICks of the Month: September.

Well hello there. I remembered that I made a promise to do a favourite thing every month this year, and I've failed. But I guess that means I will just have to catch up, but I only missed once so it isn't that bad. However I can barely remember what went on in August, but here goes :)
 Tv Show: This month a new TV show started on BBC, when I saw the advert I was kind of intrigued as it made it seem like it was just about a young guy dating an older woman, and his mum was not happy about it. But there was more, and that is why I chose Boy Meets Girl for this month. If you haven't seen it I suggest you watch it all on Iplayer if you can, because it was very cute and just a nice show, which didn't need drama, or to be insanely funny. 
Youtuber: This month CutiePieMarzia made more videos than she usually does. so I had been watching a lot of them, if you don't know who she is, she's a beauty vlogger, but she also does other things, like she takes little trips and vlogs them, and creates weird little horror stories, and plays games (because she is the girlfriend of the most famous gaming youtuber). I like her mainly because she is a bit weird, and isn't afraid to show it. Which is why I enjoy her vlogs.
Blog Post: Well this is easy. Where Have I Been? Shall we just leave it at that to not continue my shame :/

Dream: So I don't remember much about this dream, but I was in this old looking town, and in the middle of it was a swimming pool, with a bunch of different sized diving boards. So loads of people (including myself) were all set up on the diving boards and one person dived in first and instead of a ripple of water it was a splash of the colour orange, and then everyone jumped in and loads of different colours just appeared in the pool, and I was watching it. Then I jumped in, the water turned all murky as if it was a river instead of a swimming pool, and I couldn't find a ladder or anything to get out, and then I woke up. So yeah...
Song: Well since fall out boy are my favourite band expect for most of these choices to be one of their songs. This month I particularly liked. It's hard to say "I do" when I don't. It's just awesome and catchy, what else do I need to say.

Game: Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have probably heard of the game.Until Dawn!!! I watched the playthrough that Kpop made and it was just brilliant, and like what?! Go watch it. Go watch it. However I think I preferred it when everything could be explained, but my god it was intense, so I don't mind that much. GO WATCH IT!

And finally...Picture: Now I haven't actually taken any pictures. Sorry!
See you when I see you!

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