Thursday 3 August 2017

Holiday Antics (Continued)

Hey. If you are a regular to my blog (or have read the title) you would know that I was on holiday last week, and that I had never actually gotten around to telling you about the remainder of my trip. So, if you are new I suggest checking out the beginning of the holiday here.

Are you all caught up? Good I can begin… well continue. You know what I mean.

Matt and I woke up in our hotel and had some breakfast before taking a fifteen-minute drive up to Spey Bay. Here is supposedly a good spot for seeing Dolphins and a few other wildlife, but we didn’t care about that as much as the dolphins. When we got there, it was cold but the scenery was lovely. No sign of any wildlife though. And the rain started, so actually spotting something didn’t seem very likely. Which was a little disappointing. We walked around to a little river which a map said you could see Otters, and then walked along a mud section, where my docs got a little ruined and I almost got stuck and fell over. We survived making it over to some stones and walked along the beach looking out for seals more otters and dolphins. And we just kept looking. Until we got sad by the rain and decided enough was enough. It was too disheartening because I guess if the weather was nicer there is still no guarantee of seeing anything. But again, if the weather was nicer we would have spent more time there. I still had a nice time though, collected lots of stones, and bought some nice things from the gift shop. I also ate a delicious flapjack.

Thus, we headed back to the hotel, and just had a chilled afternoon playing Sims. We did plan to go back out and look at this local castle, but we didn’t stick to the plan. Plus, it’s our holiday if we want to stay in we can do. I paid for that hotel, make the most of it. We then got food and started packing away our stuff, leading into the journey back down to Edinburgh, which apart from the pretty views, random chats and me serenading my poor companion. We also hit 20000 miles in Matthews car on the journey so he was pleased.

Edinburgh itself wasn’t extremely eventful, it was just a nice little shopping trip in a mall type place and I went into the Disney store. I was hoping I could get a Scottish themed Mickey mouse but I guess their minds do not work like mine. I still got some cute things though. Matt and I also got some delicious ice cream from a campervan shaped stall. I had Ferrero and Kinder. The two only worthy flavours. Matt had chocolate fudge brownie which was also tempting. More chilling at the hotel watching Try Guy YouTube videos which lead to Matt trying to put eyeliner on me. You can see the attempt located to the left of the screen.

Next day was when we left Scotland on a drive through some weird place names that we made fun of, and headed down to Scarborough. The afternoon was chilled (I’m allowed to relax on my holiday okay!) Having some yummy food in the restaurant of the hotel and just enjoying each other’s company, watching weird videos and playing sims. You know things you can do at home for less money. Plus, the following day is where the fun is at.

So, we started having a walk along the beach, I got excited by donkeys and the premise of going on a Pirate Ship across the sea, but Matt wouldn’t let me. We saw a pretty castle, and again saw some lovely views, before venturing to Peasholm Park. Here Matt and I attempted rowing around the river, then stopped for some food, had a little walk around and then went on the almighty dragon pedalos. Which really hurt my legs, and Matthew was dying because it was a small space for someone who is 6ft2. Following this, we treated ourselves to a fake calippo and went around the shops. After some food at the hotel, we returned to the beach, and I splashed around in the sea, and convinced Matthew to paddle along with me, but as it was getting colder we didn’t spend long there and went back to settle in the hotel.

However, around 11pm circumstances had other ideas. And as we were on the brink of being asleep. The fire alarm went off. So, the whole hotel had to evacuate and wait in the car park for like 20 minutes. Then I couldn’t get to sleep because there was too much fucking noise everywhere. SEAGULLS!!! Eventually I got to sleep and was having a lovely time. However, at 7am circumstances had other ideas. I was woken up by a fire alarm, and this morning was way colder than the previous night I was freezing! Then all the guests went to go and have breakfast so we went back to the room to chill and wait for the chaos to die down a bit. Breakfast was good, then it was just the travel home, which made me sad.

I had such a good week with Matthew, and I am so grateful to him for spending all this time with me, and driving us up there. Because even though he got moody I do understand why, and I don’t love him any less for it. I have so many memories and some lovely keepsakes. I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone of being in a strange place away from my parents, and being (somewhat) responsible.

Thank you, guys, for reading through this. I hope it was worth it, but I know this is a piece of shit.

See you when I see you!

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