So, this might be an insanely long post, or not depends how lazy I get. Which is very likely. But this post as you can tell from the title, is about my first holiday away from my parents. It’s terrifying. I had to book it all myself which makes me very nervous because what if something goes wrong. Which is very likely.

Now partly because we are poor, and partly because I don’t have a passport, and partly because I have a serious fear of flying, we decided to stay in the United Kingdom. And Matt offered to drive. Stupid. Because I decided that I wanted to go to Scotland. Well we agreed together, as it was somewhere neither of us had been before so the thrill was in the Adventure. ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE! Stupid. Because I forget I have a slight anxiety over getting lost. But I had the belief that Matthew would take care of me and all would be well.

Because I had no idea on what there was to do in Scotland I felt we couldn’t dedicate the whole week to it, plus we’d have to stop on the way if Matthew is driving the whole way up. Therefore, I first stop was Whitby. The drive up was pretty good, and Matt enjoyed some of the roads, only problem being when we got in Whitby and Matt hated how pedestrians used the road as a path, and there was lots of traffic, and practically no parking. But once we got inside the hotel and had a rest, and watched Game of Thrones, we ventured on a little explore and had a lovely night. Then the next morning we tried going in a shop my mum wanted me to go in, but even though they said they were open they were closed. Annoying. So, the journey to Scotland commenced.

Now I have never experienced car Sickness before, but there was just this whole messed up period on the motorway where I had the worst headache, a sore throat, a sickness feeling, and to top it all off I needed to pee. Like Bad. Luckily, we weren’t that far away from a roundabout that had a McDonalds. And we got back on the road after some food and rest. Now the views guys, were incredible. I tried to film or take pictures but honestly the camera doesn’t do it justice and I felt bad for Matt because unless he wanted to crash the car he couldn’t witness them with me. But I loved them, and I am very thankful to him for that.

However, he did manage to see a few and enjoyed the drive up there, doing his weird giggle because of some weird car fanboy thing. He must be weird, he’s with me. And we got to hotel number two and had a rest trying to find somewhere to eat later. This was a struggle, because it all involved driving somewhere and finding parking. I found a Pizza hut in a little mall type thing so parking was like right next to it. But the problem is, not knowing where the fuck we are going. He was swearing, I was incorrectly reading google maps. It was a mess. But we made it through. And I guess that is the most important thing. Coming out of shit times still happy together. Well to be fair it’s not like he could just abandon me in Scotland. Or could he… I better be on my best behaviour.

After food, we came back to the Travelodge, and chilled out ready for our big day at the zoo. We got about 9.30 and was there until about 4. So big day. The zoo was awesome, and it was peaceful to start with. I saw Zebras and Otters and Koalas and Pandas and Penguins and a tonne of Monkeys. And other animals of course. They even take some of the penguins around the zoo for a little walk and it was so cute. I took so many photos and little videos which I will snippet for you. Then of course we went in the gift shop, and I got myself a cuddle panda, obviously. And then a couple of gifts for the family.

As we finished earlier than we thought we decided to explore more of the city side of Edinburgh. We went into the local Primark and I got two cute new dresses. We went into a couple of random shops so I could get some gifts and just went on some walks. The view was so good. We stopped for some food and decided to head back, mainly because our phones were practically dead from all the picture taking. This wasn’t a good walk because I got very panicked about our phones dying and not finding our way back. Luckily Matt was there to be reassuring, not that I accepted this at the time. Thankfully, we survived to go back to our hotel and watch YouTube.

The next day we packed our things and headed into road trip number 3 the journey to Garmouth. Which is the closest place I could find to the dolphin centre. Guys driving on the motorways in Scotland is so good, purely through the views. So, make sure you are the passenger so you get to enjoy it. But literally every five minutes I look over like wow oh my god. Nature is just so beautiful sometimes. Aside from this the drive can be boring because I don’t have much to do. I’ve been singing along to songs. Making weird video clips in hopes of putting it together for a YouTube video. And writing some of this blog post. I don’t know why but I am unable to nap. Which is mean because I love a good nap. However, if I fell asleep who would be there to tell Matt to turn but then get the turning wrong? He does provide me with some entertainment bless him, but most of the time he is concentrating to protect us from death. So, I think I’ll take boredom over that.
Now I’ve noticed this is a very long post, so I thought, lets make this a too be continued.
If you’d like to find out about our Dolphin trip, Scarborough adventures, and if we make it home in one piece, please check back in next Thursday.
See you when I see you!
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