Thankfully, I was not the one who was driving, that was left to Emma. And she dragged me to basically everyone's house, and we shared a secret about songs we enjoyed and just chatted about recent events. Then Lish and Siobhan joined the party, to get Paige, and we had lots of gossip time, and joking about how much I love to gossip. But not much happens in my life so I need to get the low down on everyone else. One the way we listened and sang along to music and got a little confused about where to park, but Jordan doing a beautiful job of directing us to a parking spot, and Amy did a marvelous job directing us to Jordan.
Then we decided we were in the mood for a McDonald's, so the hang out continued to a new location. We first split off into the different cars, and Lish and I chose songs to play alternatively, but all that were good. Then we played some together and made a weird mash up of Shawn Mendes, and some guy I have already forgotten the name of, but it didn't actually turn out that bad. We were having tonnes of fun until Amy thought we had gotten lost because we took forever to drive there. Sorry, but I was super comfortable in the back with my little cuddle blanket, snuggled in the middle of Lish and Paige. McDonald's can wait.
But we got there and I got excited because our friend who worked there was on shift. So we found a place to sit, and then we moved because there was a seat with more room,and we just chat and ate Mcdonalds. And Jordan ate a lot of McDonald's, he just kept getting back up to order more. It was incredible. I had lots of fun talking about the plans I have and comparing them with Siobhan, and we also spoke about blog post ideas with Lish. Amy and Jordan then left as they had to get ready for a holiday (I will miss you guys! Have lots of fun) The rest of us stayed a little longer chitchatting before I said what everyone was thinking which was. I love you guys, but I'm tired. And we had a fun drive home.
I'm really glad I went to this little get together, because I do miss these guys a lot, and do feel I could spend more time than I do with them. But organising stuff (especially this time of year) can be tricky. I need to see the others in my group as well, because it's been so long! I think I just get worried that if I see them too regularly I will run out of things to talk about, because my life isn't very entertaining. As you can probably tell when you read these blog posts. But I'm going to try and make things more exciting. Key word is Try there guys. Ah I love the Try Guys. That's entertainment. You should go watch them instead of continuing to read this.
Go on it's okay I don't mind.
I'm watching them too.
See you when I see you!
Charlie Puth was the other guy 😉