Hello everybody, welcome back to the zone of avoiding responsibilities. If you came in hopes of reading something random and pointless, you have reached your destination. Today's post has a bit of back story before we get into the real heart of it. So when I was hanging out with my friends (which you can read about in this strategically placed link to a previous blog post) myself and my fellow bloggers were talking about blog ideas, when the magnificent Emma piped up saying we should all write a post about her. Thus here I am, sticking to my word.

Over my 20 years of life I have known a lot of Emma's, my hairdresser is called Emma, Matt's sister is called Emma, and there was a number of other people my sister and I knew who had that name. Making telling a story very difficult. But none of them are as awesome as the Emma I am going to tell you about. I have known Emma for about 15 years, which is crazy because that is 3/4's of my life. And from what I remember she hasn't really changed. When you see old photographs of her she is the same, just more mature looking, and probably taller. Even though I guess you can't really see that in a photo unless they are standing by objects.

Anywho, everyone needs a friend like Emma, because she is one of the kindest people you would ever meet. And extremely loyal. Remember she's been friends with me for this long. That's commitment. The good thing about our friendship as well is we both respect how busy the other can get, and don't get moody about how long it can take to respond or talk, we just have catch ups every now and then. It feels like we have never been apart.

A great thing about Emma is how we can obsess over cats with each other, sharing cute pictures and stories about our own pets, or memes and things from the internet. To be fair you can send Emma practically anything (within reason) and she responds like it is the greatest thing she has ever seen. I can guarantee that there will be an emoticon in the response she gives as well. She uses it as punctuation.

Emma is extremely smart, and crazy talented. I am jealous of her ice skating abilities! And I do aspire to be more like Emma, because she's at Oxford for crying out loud. Real role model material. Even though it took her a while to figure out the correct way to fill a kettle....

Sorry this is a really weird and short post, but I am running out of content and I wanted to stick to a promise I made to a good friend.

See you when I see you!
That was beautiful