Thursday 24 August 2017

Who Am I?

I know it's weird to think that after nearly 4 years of blogging we are only just asking this question, but do not worry there is method to my madness. That madness being, I'm vlogging again! I've always wanted to go back to vlogging and in my mind, I was going to wait until I moved out. But at this rate that isn't going to happen for a while, so if I keep pushing it back I am never going to start back up again. So this is basically my reboot introduction video, and I'm thinking about posting them every other week, because I won't be able to post both on here and there every week. I'm not that creative. But I will always link to my video on here so you get that little something extra. This video also throws back to a previous post of mine so if you wanted to read that you can check it out here!

I hope you enjoy this weirdness and it keeps you distracted from your responsibilities, much like it is doing with me.

See you when I see you!

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