Thursday 20 July 2017

Gossip Girl.

Gossip girl here. And today I will be talking to you about everything Gossip Girl. Now I know that it is not completely relevant anymore considering the finale was back in 2012. But I have only recently discovered it on Netflix. I mean I have heard of the show before a day Hariette had given me a partial spoiler before I even decided to watch it, but I went from having no interest to being a bit obsessed. So I thought I would give some opinions.

WARNING: May include spoilers! 

So at first I wasn't too invested in anything, because I saw it as a serious I could just have on in the background when doing other things. Then around the end of season 1 I noticed myself caring about certain things more than I should. Mainly the Dan and Serena relationship. And the whole shit with Georgina. And you sit there thinking how much an idiot Serena is for not telling Dan the truth. Then in season two they get back together but break up. And they yoyo so fucking much that you get so enraged. They end it with them getting married, which is cute and appeals to my ship love, but in all honest towards the end Dan was such a dick to her, which made her be a bit of a bitch to him in return, and I honestly do not think that is a healthy relationship.

Nate annoys me the most for this because he goes from Blair to Serena back to Blair, to Jenny to Vanessa to some random old lady who plays Betty's mom in RiverDale.  Back to Vanessa back to Jenny all the way back to Blair. With some random girl who I recognise from a show but can't remember what. Then gets back with Serena, and Jenny appears again. Make up your fucking mind! And then it just keeps going. Trish from Harper's Island, Weird posh lady, Charley but not Charley, Charley but Lola. Wait.. Charley and Lola was that meant to represent the children's book? I doubt it. I only just thought about it. Anywho. Nate needs to get tested. Well he did in one episode to be fair.

To be fair they all fucking get around in this show. I want to draw a map of all the relationships that go on. That is the only thing that made me happy about the final episode. All my ships came back together. Chuck and Blair finally concluded their tortuous roller-coaster off again on again, and got married and had a little boy who is so darn cute. Some elements of their relationship did go a bit extreme though, like when she got kidnapped by that guy who had a vendetta against Chuck. To be fair most of the storylines with Chuck were extreme. His father dying, his uncle being an ass to take the company, Lily adopting him to let the uncle not take the company, the evil guy trying to take the company, being shot, pretending he was someone else, finding out his mum was actually alive, getting into a car crash, turns out someone else was his real mother, finding out that they pretended to be his real mother, thinking it was because his uncle was his father, turns out it's because his dad faked his own death, accidentally murdering his father because his dad was trying to kill him. You know everyday life. At least he looked good doing it all.

Chuck was by far my favourite character, even though he started off as a dick, but I think it was his turn around that made him all that more awesome. But then again there was Darota. Who was simply amazing all the time. It's probably why so many thought it would be her that was gossip girl. And I think if it wasn't already spoiled for me that Gossip Girl was indeed Gossip Guy then I'd have thought that too. It would be far better than who it really was.

That being...Dan. Which when I watched the first episode I thought it would be Dan, and then as the serious progressed I turned off this idea. Why? Because it became too obvious to me. He was a writer, and even wrote a book about them all in a similar style to gossip girl. So it being Dan was not shocking enough for me. And even though I hated Nate I would have preferred it to be him because towards the end he was trying to really find out who gossip girl was and they always went on about how he never sent in any tips, and it was like, because I was Gossip Girl, and the others would be like, So why are you trying to find out who you are? Which to be fair is the ultimate cover up.

To conclude, I feel empty, because the drama is over and the result is disappointing. Much like Pretty Little Liars. And I want to find a new series to watch but I fear the same investment and being let down at the end will just keep occurring. But if you have any suggestions feel free to give them to me.

You know you love me.
XOXO Gossip Girl.

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