So everyone was coming to the end of 2016 saying. IT'S ALL SHIT, PLEASE LET IT END ALREADY. And yeah in a way I agree with it, there were some shit bits. Like all those celebrities dying, politics essential fucking everything up, and the incident of March 31st. But that shouldn't stop me from looking back going. I had a good year. because there were moments in which I had some amazing times. And all today (as I am writing this on 1/1/17) I have seen people posting pictures of some of their favourite moments of the year, and I thought I would like to do that as a blog post. So here goes.
January 8th- Bowling at Namco. Amy could possibly kill me for this picture but embrace the weirdness is all I will say. I liked this trip because it was at a different bowling place to what we were used to, and it was pretty fun. I mainly remember taking lots of weird photo's with everybody, with one even featuring myself Amy and Emma trying to show off our bowling shoes in the same frame as our fun facial expressions. |
So there is a gap here. Not because my life was that uneventful, well it kind of was. But mainly all it was going to work and seeing my ex who, as you would know if you are a regular to my blog, I have deleted from my life. Therefore we jump ahead exactly 3 months after. Weird.
April 8th- I love this because pretty much everyone came together to join in celebration for mine and Maddy's birthday. Even though it was a week before, but that was because people were heading back to Uni. It was such a fun night chatting to everyone. Also like the only group event in which I was single. So pretty important part of 2016. |
April 22nd- It was a more quiet group gathering for Siobhan's birthday, but still lots of fun dressing up, playing just dance, and myself getting slightly tipsy on Peach Schnapps. |
May 7th- This was a cute little beach trip with the girls. It was fun because it was different. There was singing in the car and building Elcaplam, then going on the arcade and the Waltzers. |
July 23rd- We had so much fun on this trip we went to the beach again, with a few differences, and it was so good. Need to do this again next Spring/Summer! |
Sorry about the time jump, just thought it made logical sense. But then again it doesn't. Oh well no going back now!
June 10th- First time experiencing gravity for Connor's birthday. And despite going after walking there from work (it's over an hours walk) I had a really nice time. We even went to Pizza Hut after and it was just great. |
July 1st- More bowling, and this one was good because as you can witness I got a strike, and it was in the best way possible, and all the guys who were try harding, were very jealous. I also got to take silly pictures with friends, and I love this one because I love Maddy. |
July 22nd- This picture isn't from that day, it's actually from December 10th, but this is basically to show the rekindling of my friendship with Scott. Which was unexpected, but I'm happy it happened, as he allows me to rant and is there to listen. |
Another time jump, filled with another Gravity trip (fighting friends in Gladiator style), and more bowling (seeing what new creative ways I could lose in). There was also drinking at various group things, like Scott's birthday where I drank from the pitcher and we met Pablo, and let's not forget drunk bowling! I did enjoys these moments, but I didn't want to repeat myself too much. There was also little meet ups in the city which I didn't really get pictures of.
October 31st- Not my typical halloween, but I loved in nonetheless. It was the start of a new tradition of meeting up with the girls I've worked/work with. I felt like I finally fitted in. |
Another time jump, through bowling on Claire's Birthday (getting a little drunk and completing a shopkins puzzle, after getting mad at people for stealing a piece) and more of the work meet ups.
December 20th- The Great Christmas meet up. I have talked about this in another blog and shown the big group photo, but I wanted to show this one because I'm actually looking. |
Obviously they were just a few of the moments, and my friends have made 2016 a pretty great year considering everything else that happens. I hope you all have a wonderful 2017, and I hope I do as well. See you when I see you!
Why did you have to include the first photo haha ;) love the post though so I will forgive you :)