Thursday 19 January 2017

A Difficult Situation.

One of the things I love in life is sarcasm. I don’t know what it is about the way my brain is wired but when someone says something. Anything. I just want to say something sarcastic to lighten the mood a bit. Some people can refer to this as banter. Some people can refer to this as bitchiness. But if you know me well enough you know what I’m like. You know I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. I just like to add the sass.

So here comes the difficult bit. Accurately portraying this though the use of social media. I mean okay I know sometimes when I say something it can come across as bitchy and towards certain people, yes I may mean every ounce of bitchiness there is. But that person isn’t my friend, and he knows that. To everyone else it’s just how I joke with them. Which is why they never flag it up as a bitchy comment. Why am I talking about this you may wonder? Well a certain someone I feel is trying to put me down, and turn everyone against me. He says I’m bitchy and he just tries to call me out on it because no-one else does. Well maybe no-one else does because they see it’s a joke, because they actually understand what I’m like.

It’s so frustrating having this person in your life. Especially after they made it perfectly clear they don’t want to even be part of your life. The worst bit is a lot of my friends are just allowing it to happen. So far one of them (that I officially know about) has spoken to him about it, which is how I know the whole calling me out for bitchiness thing. But slowly one by one more people are starting to tell me they are tired of the way he is acting. Will they say that to him. I don’t think so.

Reason number one being. He has formed an alliance with a fellow group member. As in they are together in a relationship. So people don’t want to single him out in fear of losing her. Which I don’t blame them for because in fairness I didn’t want to do that. Because she was a good friend to me. However, out of nowhere (and if someone actually does understand where this somewhere actually is, please let me know) She’s just turned on me. Like once she didn’t let it go about taking a pill properly, I assume just to belittle me. And another time she insists I’m childish after I apologise for what it is I have said.

Once again I turn to the others worried it’s just me who believes this. But they are starting to see it too. She’s become a lot bitchier (not just my words). I feel like both of them try to pick holes at you. Maybe it’s because they aren’t happy enough in their own lives. But I can’t judge that. I’m starting to feel that when I’m not in the chat they then try to go after Claire. Which is 100% not on.

What can you do though? Because no matter what I think I can do it will just cause a shit storm for the group. It’s difficult. So far I feel the best way to deal with it is to become less involved in the group. But how is that fair on me? I didn’t ask for any of this. I didn’t ask for him to break up with me. I didn’t ask for him to start dating her and them to have some kind of vendetta. So why should I be the one forced to be exiled? Obviously I am not going to allow myself to be fully excluded. But I feel for now the best way is to have a little space. Focus on some of the other things I like doing to distract me. Like writing this blog, watching YouTube, spending time with my parents. Doing my coursework. Even though I don’t necessarily like doing that, it’s beneficial to my job so I’m killing two birds with one stone really. Not that I condone killing animals.

Could you guys offer any advice? Not that anyone really reads this and provides any response. It’s just a past time. I’ll keep you updated. See you when I see you!


  1. Here to chat whenever :) It's one of the reasons I avoid talking to the group unless I have to, because they are probably the only two people (other than a certain delightfully fabulous male - if you know who I'm on about) who are consistently in the chat. So they're pretty much unavoidable.

  2. Hey, I can see your point believe me I do. I say just take a break from the chat, not many people post in there too much apart from these two people. There are more things to life than the chat and only speak to people who you want to speak to. It is a tough situation and not sure if I have helped but I'm always here if you want a chat x
