Thursday 29 December 2016

The Christmas Spirit.

Happy Holidays.

So I'm not very Christmassy. Like belting a good xmas tune and wearing a hideous jumper is the furthest I will delve into the festivities. Anything before December is also a no go. If you start celebrating too early it gets boring. I'm sorry. I'm a scrooge. Get over it.

As you would have read in a previous post (assuming you are a regular to my blog and insist on reading all 400+ posts (if you have actually done that I will congratulate you)). I was prepared in terms of my Christmas presents, and as far as I am aware everyone loved what they got. Which is a part I get very excited for. And I do enjoy getting gifts too, mainly because I like knowing how well people know me. I have amazing people in my life. So here are some pictures of what I received from these awesome bunch of humans I associate myself with.
Not 1 but 2 Ariel's! My friends know me too well.Casual Selfie's in the T-shirts as well. 

All the gifts from my family. Such as weird array of items. But that's me I guess. 

I also got some presents from people at work, which made me very happy. Even though I did abandon work for an entire week. I booked the week off before you make any judgements. So how do I spend my week of the Christmas holidays. Well I see my sister for last minute xmas shopping. Because it never ends. I then spent Thursday with my mum, sister and grandparents. The next day I was back with my grandparents, but this time my cousin and her daughters were there. I went to my sisters Christmas Eve with Hal so in the morning we could prepare for Christmas with the parents, then to Nan's on boxing day.

Let's not forget about the Grand Friend reunion. Which featured 22 of us gathering in my favourite drinking place (Hollywood Bowl, I know so cool, but cheap drinks and dead atmosphere is what appeals to me). It was a really great night and I can't believe everyone turned up. Some people more than others. And even though there was some drama, which I am not going to talk about as I don't think it needs to be given the attention it wanted. I had a really nice time. I discovered how good pineapple juice is with Vodka, rediscovered how bad I am at pool and got to chat with people I don't talk to very often.
Yes, I have my eyes closed in the picture. But be thankful I'm even looking in the right direction.

So thank you to everyone who made my Christmas awesome. And I hope those people are still around for future celebrations. Next up New Year. Woop. Woop. See you when I see you!

1 comment:

  1. The girl two people left of you (long hair, glasses) is so hot.
