Thursday 26 January 2017

A Bit Of A Workaholic.

So I mentioned in my reboot blog post. (If you haven’t read that yet I’d go check it out, but I’ll just recap anyway if you are too lazy). That I have actually made a new friendship group. Not one to replace my already existing bunch, but one to just have alongside to keep things interesting, and make my work life a little more enjoyable.

Don’t get me wrong I really enjoy my job some days. It’s my dream job working with children. But like every job there are certain people, certain little things that just get to you. Like the hours you work, or the way you get spoken to. So I’ve become part of like a little in work club. However slowly those involved are leaving because they want to be somewhere different. And there are days I feel like that. But being able to have a little rant to them is helping me get through the next year and a half I have to stay there to complete my course. It’s so dependent on how I am treated in that time of if I will continue.

But back to the group. It all started when the first person left. I felt honoured she actually invited me along, because even though I had been there a year I had never really mingled with them outside of work. I’m glad she did, for I had such a good time. Now we just kind of do regular meet ups to catch up. I don’t really talk to them much about the situations going on in my own friendship groups, like I don’t really talk to my friendship group about them. I like to keep it a bit separate. Not that I’m cheating or anything, I just feel comfort knowing I always have someone to go to for the different things I need.

It’s almost like I am two different people, living two lives. My work and my home. I don’t really have a preference. I was about to say I am having the best of both worlds and quote some more Hannah Montana and became slightly disgusted with myself.

Moving on.

The only downside to the whole thing is that there are some people at work who don’t take to well to being left out. Which I kind of get because I do hate being left out of group situations. But they do go about making people feel uncomfortable. Which is the only reason they weren’t really invited in the first place. Like if I’m not invited I just have imaginary conversations in my head and get over it. If not it’s just petty.

But some people’s attitudes are one of the main reasons I don’t really like being at work. I just have to power through I guess. It’s difficult though when you feel like your whole life is just overpowered by this thing. And that’s not what I want. I’ve always been one of those believers in family before a career. Because as long as you have people to go home to that will cheer you up, I believe I can get through any difficult days at work.

If not just find things to distract you. Like reading my blog. Because I mainly write it to distract myself from the more suckish parts of life. See you when I see you!

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