Thursday 18 May 2017

Tips For Life.

As I have now spent a month in adulthood I thought it would be nice to share some tips I am figuring out on how to live. But I realised that it would be hypocritical of me. Because I have no idea what is going on, and how I can make it livable. Let alone am I acting like an adult. Maybe it is to do with my youthful look as my sister always tells me. But does anyone truly act like an adult? We all have moments I'm sure. Moments you want to act like a little kid, moments you do things that are immature. To me it's because being an adult is stressful. I'm constantly worried about work and time and what would happen if I don't complete my responsibilities. Which in turn makes me feel like I'm neglecting things that make me happy. And if I'm not happy, am I living? 

I've made lots of mistakes. More than I can count. And I know for a fact I am not the only one. But I try to pride myself on making up for mistakes. Trying to be better. It's why I try and be less of a shit to my parents. It's why I want to always be there for my friends, even when they say they don't need it. It's why I hate letting people down. It's why I work so hard. And now it's why I feel so shit. I try and do all these things to make up for my mistakes. But in reality people still think what they want. They still think I do the horrible things I haven't done since I was in high school. So what's the point in acting like an adult when no matter how hard I try I will never be perceived as one. 

But my tip can't be don't make mistakes. As it's the learning experiences, and you never know it is a mistake until you've made it. I can't even give tips on how to deal with it. People say ignore it, people say prove them wrong. I've tried. I'm sick of trying. I just want to curl up into a little ball and forget the world exists. Forget that I exist. 

I don't think there are any tips for life. We all simply exist. Successful or Not. Happy or Not. And it just sucks. I'm sorry that this is such a downer, and I don't even think it makes complete sense. But as I've said countless times, this blog, these posts, are my therapy sessions. So thank you for being there. I'll see you when I see you. 

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