Thursday 16 March 2017

The Collector.

I become obsessed with things very easily. If I think it is interesting or cute I just want to indulge myself in it and have as much of it as I physically can. Which is why I have growing collections of pointless things. Some are slowly coming to a stop, but the amount I do get to is worrying. When I was younger this collection was Buddhas. Don't ask me why because I honestly could not tell you. But I had more than a ten year old girl should have. I still have some of them now because I find it weird to part with them, but couldn't be bothered to take a picture. Mainly I think because they are not displayed on my shelves of awesomeness.

The following collections are however. Firstly being Blott Rubbers. And if you have been with my blog since the beginning you would have witnessed this obsession progress. I have calmed down now though. Mainly because the shop has closed... But still be proud!

Next we have another cute item. Tsum Tsums. Originally I was only going to have Mickey, then the disney classics, then just one from each movie I liked. Then I snowballed a little out of reasoning. But in my defense a lot of them were gifts...

Finally the one that has gone a bit out of control to the point I don't really know what to do with them. Funko Pop Vinyl Figures. And I was interested in these before they were cool (Hipster before Hipsters or whatever) But yeah I first had a small collection then I'd say mainly recently I have gone a little bit mad. THEY ARE SO AWESOME THOUGH. 

As you can see on the shelves there are some snails and my little pony things. These are small collections that have other features somewhere in my room, but have not reached the point of really mentioning.

Hopefully I will stop being a weird collector/hoarder as some might start calling it, because they are all things I do not need in my life. I mean they are but... At least I have some financial stability to fund my weird obsessions. Hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you when I see you!

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