I love things like this, because I love looking back at the past. So
mainly I wanted to have something to look back on and remember all the times that are mentioned. I went for the book “642 tiny things to write about” Because there was a bigger version that could have been purchased. It’s a pretty good book so far. Like some things they encourage you to write about are personal, and then others are completely bizarre. Which is nice. But I think I would have preferred one which was fully about myself, because then it would be easier to write about. Because I’m not really that creative. Coming up with my own ideas really panics me because I don’t like doing things wrong. So I would have preferred the other book I saw which was “99 things I love” which basically list the things you love. Claire convinced me that the one I got was more for your money so I was sold on that premise.
As it was going to be a special project I got myself a special pen to write all my thoughts in and got cracking. Asking my friends to choose a topic they found interesting and I started filling it in. And slowly I have been adding more and more. I’m not really sure I can complete it any time soon because there is so much, and some things are about recalling things about your first car, and I haven’t even owned that yet. There are ones I have also started but not yet finished because I am creatively inept in some instances. But I thought it would be interesting to share some of the first ideas with you guys.
As much as I do live this book I am finding it a challenge. Because I am probably focusing too hard on trying to be funny more than creative or honest. But if that's the way I wish to write in it I guess that is my prerogative. Wish me luck in completing it. See you when I see you!
Omg I also have the Louise Rennison books!