Thursday 22 December 2016

You Have Been Deleted.

Firstly, I don't actually find the cybermen that scary. But Doctor Who conversations are not the purpose of this post.

When I rebooted my blog I said about how my last relationship turned to shit and the one thing I hated most was how much I mentioned the twat on this blog. Because I set it up to be able to look back on in the future to remember the happy things. And he is not a happy thing. So what I decided to do was go back and delete him out. So all those posts he wrote himself, every mention of his name, or a subtle reference to him. Gone. Some posts were easier to fix than others. Like simply clicking the delete button to get rid of the whole post, or getting rid of his name and the sentence still made sense. But some things I had to alter so it was grammatically correct. 

It was a very time consuming process but I am glad to have done it. Like when I deleted all the pictures of us and untagging myself from posts. The sad part is how it looks like I haven't really done anything for those two years of my life. That's why I'm most angry with him. Because I feel like it was such a waste of time, and I look like an idiot for even being with him. But I guess all things happen for a reason. . 

So now all that is left to do is hope that I never have to have anything to do with my ex. Which is currently difficult because he is a part of the friendship group. But I'm just going to start convincing myself we were never even together and maybe that will make the situation happier. 

Deleting is probably the best way forward, as harsh as it may seem. But that's life. And I have nothing more to say on the matter. See you when I see you. 

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