Thursday 1 December 2016

Organised (For Once).

Hey. You know when you always tell yourself that you are going to plan ahead, and you get your lists and little highlighter pens, and you plan, plan, plan. But then you forget all about it and it's the day of the thing you were planning for. That's me. All the time. I love planning, hate doing shit. Like when to do coursework, and most importantly. Buying presents. Last minute madness is usually my game. And when it comes to Christmas it usually means you get a shittier gift.

But this year I've planned ahead. I've actually ordered pretty much all of my presents before December has even started. Oh My God. Dun Dun Dun. Etc. And it's been so good. I have such great ideas for my presents, and I have even gotten gifts for those whose birthdays are around Christmas, and I just feel so organised.

My one issue is, I just want to tell everyone what I got them. I can't wait for Christmas to let them see what they got, it's so far away! I myself don't really like surprises. So I desperately want to know what people have got me so I can only assume how they feel and I just want to share, but I can't because it spoils everything, and it's just so frustrating. But I'll get by I guess. I am worried about the presents I haven't gotten yet, because I have no clue what to do. And that will end up being stressy times. But I still have time, and for once I do have money at my disposal.

Now all I need to do is stick with being organised for my level 3 coursework. Because I do find it difficult to balance my work, social life and family with my own personal time. Like I get so stressed out if I don't have any time to myself. I barely play sims anymore. Even though I bought the new expansion pack. Played it once so far. Had it like 2-3 weeks. Waste of money. Which is frustrating, but I want to be able to play it.

On the other hand, there are a couple of things in my life I am not very organised with, but should be if I actually want them to happen. Such as driving and moving out. Like I talk about doing these so often, but do I actually make a plan? Fuck off. I plan to make a plan but never get round to it, because it's real world shit that means I'm an adult, and there is no way I am jumping onto that. With driving it's mainly I don't want to commit to it, because I hate failing things. With moving out it's just impossible to make convenient. Like I don't want to live alone but don't have anyone to move in with, and I have to accommodate the location with accessibility to work and it's just too much stress trying to work it out with my financial situation so I just don't bother looking. But that won't get me anywhere.

So am I actually organised for once? Probably not. But it's nice to think I am sometimes. The only things I tend to plan are my meals for the week. Which now I say it is a little sad. But that's my life in a nutshell really. Wish me luck with my organisational skills. See you when I see you!

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