Tuesday 5 January 2016

Failing At Life (2016 Edition)

Wow. It's 2016. So time I guess to partake in the tradition that everyone likes to call. Failing at Life (aka. Resolutions). Last year I set myself some tasks for this year so let's see how well those turned out and make plans for this year which, judging by my previous attempts, will not happen. But I guess it's nice to at least come up with some kind of goal. Also sorry again for not posting very often. I am a failure of a human being as this post will probably point out. Here goes. 

So last year my first task was to lose weight. (Well looking back I actually made a typo and put loose weight, haha silly me). The classic of new year's resolutions. Did that happen? Hang on let me check. No. The answer is no. But hey at least I didn't put on any weight. I am at a constant. Woop! However, I increasingly hate the way I look. Mainly the part that I like to call chubb. The stomach's the worst, then my thighs, and  my boobs need to shrink. I want to wear checked shirts without the buttons straining around the chest area, is that so much to ask? This year of 2016 I would like to become better with exercising and eating healthier and being comfortable with my body image. So back onto the list you go impossible task because I do not have the right mindset. 

Onto to the second task which was using money wisely. And I would say I have completed this pretty well. I actually have money saved up in my bank account, not enough to do anything significant with though. There have also been times where I have gone against buying something for the greater good of my end goal, but looking at this (Please turn your attention to the picture on the left) there have been a few slip ups. Awkward...But overall I would give this a tick as I'm not poor as fuck. I just can't move out which is what I was going to do this for. We'll get there. One day. 

Number 3 was the one I can happily say I succeeded at. Future plan! As you should all be aware of by now I have actually made progress in my career move as I am an apprentice in a nursery (which is like my ideal job) and by July I should be qualified to have a full time job there. They have also offered me this full time position so yay! And I think I would like to train further. The other parts of the plan I am not so sure about. Moving out: well nobody would like to move in with me so I have no clue. Kids and Stuff: not for a while. So my motivation is still at a low but I don't really care. I'm happy where I am at the minute. ish...

Well task 4 was always so certain in my mind. But it didn't happen. I think when I was told I wasn't even allowed to get tested until I was 18 frustrated me so much that I just had to know, but since I've turned 18 I've been more relaxed about it. because I now know that I can just go make an appointment when I am ready. I don't need to know just yet. I have other things to worry about first. Like job, moving out, the possibility of learning to drive, relationship shiz. 

And finally task 5. Do well in 6th form. And my response to this is. HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck that shit. I mean I am proud of 2 of my results. The 3rd well there were aspects I was proud of, like the fact I didn't completely fail the exam I cried in for an hour (personally I think it was because I told the examiner to have a nice day). But I guess this one doesn't really matter so much because 3 went pretty well and I didn't need A-levels for that. However it turns out I needed a GSCE in ICT which I do not have. So resit exam for me! 

Reading back through them were pretty funny because it reminded me how much of a failure I am. So why not make a new list so future Elli can have a laugh in 2017. 

One: Lose weight. Same as always, like what I said earlier. Blahblah blah.
Two: Consider driving lessons. Since I got my job I considered driving a lot. I feel like it would make my life a little bit easier, and it would help if I moved out if I could drive so then where I lived wouldn't be as much of an issue.
Three: Save money for moving out and everything you need to have for driving (lessons, test, insurance, car etc.). As I would like to be able to actually afford the things I plan for. 
Four: Pass my level 2 Apprenticeship. Because obviously I would like to continue working there. 
Five: Be less angry. I can be a very angry person when I want to be, and I hate that side of me. So this year I would like to be more considerate of others when I am having my emotional messes. (I mean I have already kind of failed this already but starting from now I wish to be better). 
Six: Be more social. Since everyone finished 6th form and we all went our separate ways I feel like it's harder to connect with my friends. Because I can't really talk about my work and I don't do anything else I find making conversations difficult in online form. But no-one is really around, or we don't have the time, to talk face to face which is easier. I want to try though. Because my friends are amazing and I don't want to lose them. I would like to take this opportunity to tell them that if I don't talk to you for a while, I'm still here for you. I haven't forgotten about you, I just don't know how to entertain you in a conversation. 
Seven: Blog more. I have sucked at blogging the past 5 months, and I want that to change, because this used to make me so happy. It was a way for me to just escape everything. So I am going to try harder to get out a post at least once a month. But my aim is once a week. 

So that's my seven resolutions. I love the number seven. Don't know why. I just think when people are making lists it is underused. But you have probably figured out I love seven from my Magnificent 7 series. Which is my listing off my favourite things like villains, confectionary and even colours. You can check them all out by looking through my previous posts. Sneaky plug for you there.

Well I hope that has distracted you all from what you are supposed to be doing right now. Thanks for reading. 

See you when I see you!

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