So the beginning of Spring wasn't very entertaining, my hours at work started to pick up, which was really good, but meant I was pretty tired a lot. And I was in a bit of a low mood following a home visit at the end of February. But here I vowed that I was going to make more of a focus on myself. Stop worrying about what other people are going to do, and just be happy in me. So I would try to get out and see people when I can. Therefore on Monday 4th I went to Frankie and Benny's with Maddy, because she had a voucher. We don't tend to go out for food together unless offers are involved. And I had some delicious pasta and a great chat with my best friend. Then at the weekend I decided to go back to the house and spend some time with my family. Which I have tried to do a lot more, because I must admit I did neglect them a little when I first moved out. So we had chips from the chip shop, watched Bohemian Rhapsody together and then the following day went to the Hungry Horse and went to visit my Granddad, which I need to try and do again before my child is born.

which I never enjoy because needles. Then I was forced to drink the worst liquid on the planet and only have water to make the taste go away. All before waiting around the hospital for 2 hours bored out of my mind, and had my blood taken again! My mum treated me to a meal at the Hungry Horse for all my pain and trauma. I had a pretty chill weekend, where the family went to Hemsby.
I describe Monday 8th as the three days in one, just because it felt pretty busy. It started with an early midwife appointment, but nothing out of the ordinary, then a pretty ordinary afternoon at work. When I finished I then got ready to go to spoons, which I was really nervous for. Basically for the previous week, I had been talking to this guy, and this was the first time we decided to meet in person. It was really nice, despite how nervous I was, because given what I have been through/am going through, I didn't have a high expectation of things going anywhere. But amazing things happen. Such as the 10th April, which was an amazing experience because I got to experience one of my favourite drag queens live, and got to meet her. Even though I met her before... It was a hilarious show, and I'm just disappointed in myself that I just went into a shy shell when meeting her. WHY CAN'T I HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE?! Anyway, it was a really nice trip to London with my sister, despite getting tired trying to navigate the tube. The next interesting thing was Friday, when after work, I went to go and see Captain Marvel again, this time with that guy I met, and it was the first time I sat in this handy link. I know exactly what you need in this post, more reading.
completely silent while a film was on. Because I didn't know what he would make of my fun comments. But I had a great time forcing him through all the credits as he didn't really understand the end credit scenes and thought I was lying to him. We then stayed up for hours just talking which was really nice. However, it made me very tired for the next day which was the beginning of the weekend
Birthday celebrations! Which you can read about
The next week was pretty much working, meeting Maddy for a milkshake, and getting to know this new person in my life. Towards the weekend was a little more exciting as I went shopping with Maddy on Friday where we decided to try out the new desert place in castle mall. Maddy always chooses such weird ice cream combinations. She was saying how she wanted to meet this new "friend" of mine so on Saturday 20th, which was an insanely hot day from what I remember. Myself, Maddy, Tom met with this new person to go Bowling. And I'm tired of finding creative ways to explain him, so I'm just going to go ahead and say his name is Dean. So we went bowling, and it was
really good. I managed to get a strike, and show off how bad I can be at bowling. Dean then showed everybody up by getting a turkey right at the end of the first game. And after we had played we decided to go on the arcades while Maddy, Tom and I waited to go to Siobhan's Birthday Meal at Pizza Hut. Which was a really lovely time as well. On Easter Sunday, I went with the family down to Hemsby where it's mainly all about playing Bingo, and my mum getting annoyed at how I win more than her. We had work the rest of that week, and a boring dentist trip, well not completely boring, I

This hype lead me into a very good weekend as well. Where I had planned to meet with my sister on the Saturday, to which she decided to cancel, so Emma said about meeting up instead, and taking me to this vegetarian restaurant one of her other friends had told her about. So after a weird drive we parked at a Methodist church. And Emma proceeded to walk inside to check it was okay to park there. The main reason I followed her in was because it was pouring it down with rain. We then proceeded to have the weirdest time as she convinced me to go upstairs with her because she thought she heard someone, but then changed her mind, and then tried again. Now I know it seems suspicious but sometimes Emma does peculiar things. So finally she got me to go deep upstairs where I saw Maddy, and was filled with utter confusion. It turns out that my friends had planned me a surprise Baby Shower. I had the best time, playing bingo with Amy's fun rhyming, and then Emma had made a quiz. However, no-one seemed to remember what Ariel called a fork and it highly upset me. There was also a delicious buffet (even though I was really craving the food Emma was tempting me with) and they all got me some amazing presents. So I just want to thank them again for a great time. Sunday I then went with
friends to see Endgame again. Such a good film. The last two days of the month I had a couple of pregnancy related appointments. Decided to throw a games night with Dean, Maddy and Tom, where they were trying to teach me how to play Unstable Unicorns but none of it made sense, so we just played cards against humanity. On the final day of the month I went to Mecca Bingo with Paige, Josh, Amy, Jordan and Emma, and it was really exciting. We ate cake, played and just enjoyed each other's company. Unfortunately none of us won. But it was still a really good night, and I would like to go again if I had the chance.
Now we can finally move on to May, and my god this post is already too long. I started it off, with a midwife appointment, which went well, then I went with my parents to mothercare to finally purchase a car seat/pushchair. The woman was trying to convince me to get one in pink, and I was not having it. Then I took them to their first Chiquitos, and they rather enjoyed it. That afternoon I then attended my first antenatal class. Which was weird, because I was the only single person there, so it was a little upsetting to hear them talk about how the mum's and dad's will work together and all that. I also felt self-conscious because for being the furthest along I had the smallest bump. Aside from work not too much happened that week, until we got to Saturday where I convinced Dean to go to Hemsby. I'd like to think he had a good time. I certainly did. Apart from the fact he then kept beating me at the bingo, and with the gold card! We left with like 12 wins between the two of us, it was really good.
Monday 6th was a bank holiday, and because it was near to Paige's birthday, some of us decided to go bowling. And this was unlike any other bowling trip, because I actually did well. I got a strike on my first go, and won the game with 112 points. Which I know doesn't sound impressive, but trust that for me, it isn't going to get any better. Afterwards we then got some food at spoons, and ate some disgusting flavoured Jellybeans. The rest of the week was just working, attending more uncomfortable antenatal classes, and chilling with Maddy. On Friday Dean and I went on a date where I introduced him to Ed's Diner and Sundaes Gelato, and I think he was very happy because he wanted to go there again the following Friday, that time we went with Maddy and Tom. Well Tom met us for ice cream. However, before The four of us did that the 17th, we all went to Hemsby
together on the 11th. This was a really great day, because we all won a game of bingo, played lots on the arcades, and spent a nice chilled moment on the beach. I also got to show off my rather impressive mini gold skills, where I managed to hit the ball off course 3 times. But we remember that more than the hole's in one am I right? Stupidly after this busy day we decided to go to see Detective Pikachu at the cinema, but the only time was at 9. So first we went to Nandos to get some food, and then settled to watch the movie. And collectively we managed to watch the entire film, but pretty much all of us fell asleep at one point. I was awake enough to know the plot, which I felt was pretty predictable anyway.

I did decide to go for a little afternoon tea with Emma, in which we tried finding somewhere we hadn't really been before. We settled on Eaton Park, which is a really nice little place to go. Only problem was had to wait half an hour for a pot of tea, which was pretty frustrating. But I loved having the catch up with Emma. Especially since she will be leaving to go to America in the Summer. (Well at the time I wrote this she's gone already :'( )

OH MY GOD, this post has taken me forever to complete. But like I said, and as you can hopefully see I have had a really good Spring, and I am hoping my summer is just as spectacular. Sorry again I am falling behind with posting, but I am extremely busy nowadays, and I hope when I finally get the next few posts up, you will see why.
See you when I see you!
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