Tuesday 16 April 2019

I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22.

And considering how freaked out I got about turning 21, we all remember the Rapunzel Hair Chop, I am actually feeling pretty good about being 22. It's like I have the lyrics to Lily Allen's song 22 where she states that the future looks bright at 22. And finally I see that mine is. Because I have a great family, great friends, a great job, and I'm going to give birth to a great little girl. Now I'm thinking I said great too many times and it doesn't sound believable. Anywho... I'm seeing this birthday as my new beginning. I know I said this to myself at the start of the year, but I was still in the bad place. I've had help since. I've just been better since. So despite that fact I really do not like the number 2, and the fact it is now displayed twice in my age, I am happy.

So let's just talk about how I celebrated shall we? I'd say it was a full weekend event. Which was nice, I was able to split the balance of friends and family quite well. On the Saturday I organised a trip with a small group of friends to go to one of my favourite places in the world. Hemsby. And yeah it was super windy, and therefore a little cold, I'd say we were quite blessed with the weather (and it was better than when we made the same trip attempt two years ago), as it rained on the way there and hailed as we were then leaving, but other than that the sun was out.

So we managed to go on the beach for a little while. This time I did not brave the sea, as much as I wanted to, the waves seemed pretty crazy, and I have a little one inside me I need to protect. But we sat on some towels and just had chats and catch ups while Jordan persisted to throw stones into a bin. After that we went to go get some chips, and finally ventured to the arcades! Where some people *cough*Scott*cough* went a little crazy on the machines. But I'd like to think everyone had a good time. I certainly did.

After this I decided to get the bus to Horsford so I could spend my Birthday with the family. My birthday was a little more chilled, than the Saturday, starting with just laying in bed, and saying happy birthday to someone other than myself, because as most of you know (because it's probably only her that reads this) I share my birthday with my best friend Maddy. Shortly after that my sister came in to share her card before she went to work. My parents then took me to see my nanny, and it was really nice to see her for a catch up. Then we went for a meal at Zaks, which was delicious as always. I got back to have cuddles with my Sebbles, which was definitely a highlight of the day. And I finished up my birthday at home, just chilling with someone pretty cool.

 This post doesn't make sense, but who cares? Things are good! See you when I see you!

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