So really I just want to thank my mum for everything she has done for me. I can't imagine it has been particularly easy for her to look after me. When we were younger my sister and I would always fight, and didn't really contribute to housework. Then our teenage years only left more drama, with puberty emotions and exam stress. She was always a good support during these times. Not that I ever really accepted it, because I always felt unsure about talking to her about my problems. Mainly because for as long as I can remember she has struggled with anxiety and depression, so I always felt what I was going through was minor in comparison. So didn't want to either bother her, or add to her stress. But despite what she goes through she always tries to be there for others, like supporting her friends, or trying to be the strong one when our family found out bad news. Because it mustn't have been easy for her either.
Despite all this I've known her to be a positive person. She likes to tell me that she just focuses on the now, because the past and future are out of her control, so why worry about it. And I wish I can think more like that. But the fact she has gone through this is why I think she was able to support me so much over the last year. Even though at first I didn't want her to know anything, because I didn't want her opinion of me to change. I didn't want her to stop being proud of me. But I don't think she ever will be. She always says me and Hariette are the best thing to happen to her.
And I think it is because of her that I know I can be a great mother. Because I have her as my example. So my little girl is going to be incredibly lucky to have this woman as a Nanny (she doesn't want to be a grandmother as that makes her feel old). From the moment she found out, she was nothing but thrilled, and will often refer say when talking to my bump that she is her baby. And the amount of stuff my mum has already helped get for her just feels like an endless list.
So yeah I just wanted to make this post to say how incredible my mum is. Not that she would ever read this, because I don't think she even knows my blog exists. I'm not sure what she'd actually make of it, but I'd imagine if she knew how to work the software she would have a blog. Because she likes writing, not physically because she has arthritis and it hurts her wrists, but I remember reading poems and things she used to write. I think it's why I like to use this type of creative space. I get writing from her and drawing from my dad. Because he's pretty incredible too. But Father's Day isn't until June ;)
Well I guess that is all I can really say. I could go into details of hilarious stories and things about her but who has the time for that. And I'm sure there will be more opportunities for that, maybe a post dedicated to her on her birthday, or next year on Mother's day, because I'm sure I'll still be blogging around then, despite having my own baby to look after. See you when I see you!
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