Sunday 28 January 2018

Yadda Yadda

I know I've been away again, but it has been a crazy time. Which I feel is only going to keep happening. So we've got that to look forward to. To catch you up on the goings on of my life, I have been promoted at work. Initially this sounds like great news. But it's not all that great. No matter how much I tell myself that.

We'll take a step back to why I am being promoted. Basically the original Room Manager of Pre-school has decided to go work for a smaller nursery, which for her was the right decision and I'm happy she's happy. However, I was worried about her leaving, because since I started she was my support line, she knew how everything worked, and she was just so helpful and friendly. I saw how stressed she got when she was promoted to that position. So obviously I'm scared that this will happen to me. And after this week, if anything my fear has been confirmed to be rational.

I'm not going to go into too much detail about how I feel at the minute, but it basically comes down to the fact that I feel I am not being given the time to achieve what I am expected to achieve, management tell me that they will not set me up to fail, but it is essentially all they have done. YaddaYadda. It doesn't help that I am stressed out from other aspects of my life.

But yeah, I am coming home exhausted and unsure of how best to move forward. So wish me luck.

Sorry I couldn't be more interesting.

See you when I see you.

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