Thursday 19 October 2017

Talk: Sleepy Time.

Hey guys, basically this video is a very last minute planned talk about something I had actually planned to blog about but on a much briefer scale. It's not great so you have been warned. If you would like to read the slightly more detailed ramblings I have kept them in the post, so you can try a piece together more of an idea about what I am on about. But enjoy staring at my pudgy face, which I know you all love so much.

So I've been facing a problem for a few months now, which is as the title states. I struggle with sleeping. And to be honest I probably do understand the reasons for it. It's because I wake up at 6.30 to get ready and go to work, I'm there for about 9 hours and then it's on my journey home I get really tired. But when home I eat and watch TV with family, and by the time I make it up to my bed. I'm not tired anymore. And then I end up sleeping around 1am and having to be awake. One day I literally when to sleep at 4am. But it's not like I can lay in the next day. So I'm stuck in a vicious loop.

However fairly recently, my internet has been playing up, so I almost force myself to fall asleep, because there simply isn't that much else to do, and it is working pretty well. But I think I have mentioned in a vlog one time, that my mind likes to think about the most bizarre things at the most inconvenient times. So when I should be asleep, I'm actually planning blog posts or youtube videos. Or I'm designing how to decorate my room, or what my future flat will look like. Or I'm thinking about coursework/work related things. Yet nothing is actually getting accomplished. 

I don't think I get a lack of sleep to the point I need medication for it, because I do feel fine, it's just more annoying because I fear about being really tired for work, and considering the type of job I do, being awake and alert is a rather big deal. But then again sometimes I think me thinking about how that might happen is another reason I am not sleeping. It's weird. 

One of the weirdest things though is how I am now incapable of having a lay in. Unless I am with Matthew, I think it's because I feel comfortable with him. Anyway. At the time of writing this I have woken up at 5am, and it's Sunday. Like what?! I have tried going back to sleep, and it just isn't happening. When I was younger, I used to never see morning on a Sunday. I would go down to have a weird lunch type breakfast and my parents would joke about how I'm alive. The only perks of this I guess is that I am now being more productive in my day. I've already done some coursework and am now writing this blog. Yesterday I did some coursework and sorted out part of my bedroom. So I guess I can't complain fully. 

I do hope that my sleeping pattern regains some normality, but I guess we'll just have to see. I'm sorry this post is a bit shorter than usual, and really weird, but I'm running out of content as you can tell. Maybe it's the weird amounts of sleep I get. Anyway... See you when I see you!

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