Hello there. So this shall be another post away from the beings of my life. To be fair not much is happening, just working a lot, growing a baby, and sitting around watching Netflix. And speaking of Netflix there has recently been a new series added to site which I thought I'd talk about. This being the above mentioned The Umbrella Academy, which I began to watch for two reasons.
- I heard my sister talk about wanting to watch it and she usually has good suggestions for shows to watch.
- When I saw the trailer on Netflix I noticed it had Robert Sheehan in it, and after Misfits I just love him. Because he always plays the mess of a character.

Therefore we obviously began to watch, and I very quickly began to enjoy it. The bonus as well was recognising an awesome name, this being Gerard Way. Whom many people I don't think are that aware of because he belongs to a certain music type. But yes the lead singer of My Chemical Romance wrote a comic book series called The Umbrella Academy and this is what the show is based from. So an unknown 3rd reason appeared to watch it.
I'm not going to say too much about it, because if rather you go watch the show for yourselves but I love the little quirkiness the show has, reminds me a little to the style of Wes Anderson. And there are a few characters I enjoy, which for shows I watch recently don't tend to happen.
So first we have Klaus played by the before mentioned Robert, who is just excellent comic relief but also has some pretty hitting story.
Then there's Ben who doesn't really do much, but he's not annoying
like some of the more main characters.
like some of the more main characters.
Grace who can come off a little creepy but when you understand
her character you realise it makes sense.
her character you realise it makes sense.

My finally point to try and encourage you to watch is simply the soundtrack. And don't let the idea of My Chemical Romance fool you, but how dare you because MCR are great. But some classic hits get played. And they bring some scenes to life.
That's all I shall say for now, so go watch the show, and I shall see you when I see you.
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