Sunday 24 April 2016

The Positive Vibes.

Hello! So I thought I would just write a small little post because why not? Mainly because I am waiting for my training video to stop bloody buffering. So I thought, I would talk about positive vibes I have been getting lately, mainly to do with my weight. Because usually I am very insecure about my body image and the way I look and I know I'm not skinny and I don't necessarily want to be skinny, I like have curves I just don't like having chub, as I like to call it. I am still waiting for the day I become more...toned I think is the word, but obviously I know that is going to require effort and not happen overnight. 

Anyway, the other day at work someone asked me if I had lost weight and I was like I didn't think so but thanks, and then my manager said I looked great and I awkwardly walked out of the office. Then my mum also said I looked slimmer, and when I was at the park I actually managed to comfortably sit on the swing where about two months before it hurt because of my hips.So I was starting to feel pretty good about myself. And I think that is what makes me motivated to actually do something. 

However, something else happened. I bought some bras the other day in my usual size and they didn't fit. So the one place I want to be getting smaller the most is getting bigger and it's so irritating. Then the positive vibe wore off and now I feel all ugh about myself again. 

But all of this proves that it's not actually how much I weigh that matters it's how I feel about the way I look, and what makes me feel comfortable, so by having the positive vibe it makes me more comfortable with how I am. It's a weird little thing. This is a weird little post. 

Sorry this probably didn't make any sense but I needed a distraction and I'm sure you did as well. Why else would you be here? 
See you when I see you!

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