Hello, we are back once again to talk about what I have done over the last month because I like to look back on these to help me remember the good things, especially when things don't look so good. Plus I like having something to create to occupy my mind when my daughter is having a nap, so here goes!

On the first of the month, Nora was starting to be a lot more alert and active, so we tested out her bouncer, and she was looking at the sensory book. Then we had some tummy time, and I got the cutest pictures of her being super clever lifting herself momentarily. We then took a little walk down the road to the Charing Cross Centre to have a meeting about mediation. After this meeting I did feel a lot better about my circumstances, as it was yet another person telling me that I was making reasonable choices for my daughter. So yay. The woman also suggested I got official legal advice to help empower myself so I went a booked in for a free phone call. I then spent the rest of the day interacting with Nora, who was being very good, and calling my mum. And as per usual every evening Dean comes to hang out. So just assume as you read along that always happens, because I cannot be bothered to type it out every time. The following day was another lovely visit from my parents in the afternoon and then about 6ish I got Nora and I ready to go and meet Amy,

Siobhan and Maddy at Pizza Hut. Nora fell asleep on the walk down there, after showing Maddy how she likes to stare at the safety label of her car seat more than anything else going on around her, and was asleep the whole time. It was a blessing. This gave me the opportunity to have a much needed catch up with everybody. And it was nice to do something that I used to do, like meet with a group of friends. We even planned a holiday I'm sure none of us will commit to. Classic. We stayed out until 10pm, when Nora would have needed another feed, so Dean very kindly met us at Riverside to drive us back and I tried to settle her for the night. Saturday was then a pretty good day as Dean and I went for a meal with his mum at spoons, then managed to get a couple of productive things done, before Nora came back to me.

Sunday was another attempt at a lazy day with Dean before Maddy came to join us in the afternoon. She had another good cuddle with Nora to bounce her off to sleep. And Nora was smiling at everyone which is really good to see. The next two days was spent with my Nannie (the one who isn't in Hemsby), so on the Monday I took the bus down to the Bob Carter Sports Centre where my Nannie and her friends have been playing Badminton since I was Nora's age, because they all wanted to meet her as well. So she got lots of attention while she had a very good sleep. I also had a nice chat with them, and it was nice being back there, as it was a place I used to go all the time growing up. After this, we went shopping with my Nannie in Sainsbury's then headed to hers for some lunch and cuddles and catch up. The following day Nannie collected us to drive us down to Lowestoft. Nora rather enjoyed the drive having yet another good sleep, and on this drive I had my legal advice phone call which made me feel so much better. I then went inside to see my great-aunt? I think that's how I'm related to her. Either way we were there to visit extended family. It was again really good to have a catch up, and show off how adorable Nora can be. On the

7th my mum came to visit, and took us out to lunch at the Golden Star and we had a good chat, then later in the afternoon Dad came to see us as well, because this was his last proper opportunity before he starts his new job, so he was wanting all the Nora cuddles he could get. Thursday was mainly a day at home, trying to be productive when Nora had naps, and having naps myself as well. As well as just interacting with her. I did get out of the flat for an hour to take Nora around my old workplace, to have a catch up and see how much stuff had changed. That evening Dean didn't come round and instead we traded him out for Paige, as Nora hadn't met her yet. We managed to have a happy cuddle where Nora would not let go of Paige's finger, before she had a good sleep so Paige and I could just chat the night away.

Friday 9th was just a day at the flat being ultra productive, like I really felt like I had the whole parenting thing down, until that night where Nora hardly slept making Dean and I very tired. But I couldn't let that get to me as I was meeting Hariette in the city for a little bit, to do some shopping. So first Dean and I tried to wake ourselves up by going out to McDonald's for breakfast, Nora quite enjoyed staring at the wooden circles on the wall while we ate. Then I parted with Dean to meet Hariette outside Primark where I treated myself to a new checked shirt, and Nora to this adorable jumper dress. Nora had also developed a dislike for her pushchair and insisted either Hariette or myself carried her around the shops. But we got back to the flat and had a feed before she ventured out with her dad. So Dean and I had lunch and went to do a food shop and had some time to ourselves before Nora came back and demanded all the attention. The following day Dean drove us up to Hemsby where she was a little happier to be there, Nanny finally got a smile out of her when they were having a cuddle, and Hariette got a lovely video of her smiling away. We also played some bingo, but there wasn't as much luck as there usually is, I only managed to get half a win. But it was still better than Dean, Bahahaha. We then got some ice cream, and there

was this flavour called "Black Panther" turns out it was just a dyed vanilla, but I had to get it for the pure fact it was pitch black in colour. I tried to also go on the beach but it was too full of people and not worth the effort. Dean was very tired from the weekend, so left us to have an early night. Which helped me catch up on sleep for another productive day Monday. It started with Nora and I basically doing every activity a baby of her age could do, before her Nanny and Auntie came for a visit. They had some cuddles before she had to go spend time with her dad. So I continued my getting housework done streak, to the point I'm basically caught up on the clothes washes. WOO! Then I spent most of the afternoon chatting with Hariette, trying on her wig. When Nora got back she became a little stressful as she was very tired but refused to have a nap. But once the dream team of Elli and Dean finally got her off to sleep, we decided to book ourselves a little Holiday. It's nothing extravagant because we have restrictions, but we came to the conclusion we needed some time away. Me especially.

The Tuesday was a pretty good day, as I managed to have a refreshing sleep, so Nora and I had a fun morning singing songs. After lunch we then had bath time, and for once Nora was actually smiley and happy, well until I washed her hair. Then I thought to go into the city to get a teether to help soothe Nora, on our travels we went to have a little catch up with Siobhan. On the Wednesday I decided to travel to my parents house with Nora, because I missed my little bundle of fluff. Nora again was very good on the journey down, and managed to have a good cuddle with my mum before she got a bit stressed from teething pain. She explored her new play mat and I managed to get a few adorable photos, and Nora then fell asleep on her auntie in an attempt to stop her going to work. Nora managed to do okay when my dad got home from work, and at the same time Sebbles ventured in, I think he's started working with my father. Seb was very curious again about Nora, but this time I don't think she was as keen. As it was getting late, Dean then came to take us home, and we had a pretty good evening. Thursday morning I had a visit from my perinatal mental health nurse, which was needed as I've had moments the last couple of weeks. Hence why I just want to remind myself of the good times in posts like this. But she helped me feel a bit more reassured, and then when Nora would smile, and I saw Dean in the evening, I just felt better. So moving on to the Friday, where mum came to visit, we had a good chat whilst outside and she treated me to lunch at The Golden Star. Saturday was a pretty good day, as we got up early for Dean had to take his car to be serviced, but this lead to a fun shop around B&M where I was trying to get Dean

excited about everything, I also got some things I needed. Then a nice walk down to the Whiffler where we enjoyed a nice cooked breakfast. Then Nora insisted on being carried as we walked back to the car place, but it was really nice. I then sorted some of Nora's clothes as she's growing too fast, then headed into the city to shop whilst Dean went to watch the footyball. Sunday was a productive start, as I gave some clothes to charity and then did a little food shop. Then it was a pretty chilled day hanging out with Dean and Nora.
On the 19th, I met up with my sister in the city as she got a train back from London, and we decided to do what we always do on a Hari/Elli shoppy day, which is to go and get a Nandos. It was a delicious meal, and once again Nora insisted that she was held and carried around everywhere. After this we then went to the doctors for our first proper check up, and everything is going well with Nora. I on the other hand

have been put on iron tablets and instructed to take vitamin D. So there's that to remember on a daily basis. The next eventful thing to happen was the following day, when mum came round to visit me and Nora, and she was able to get a lot of smiley cuddles. Nora was also properly sticking her tongue out in response to mum which was just adorable. In the afternoon I took Nora for a walk in the sling, where Maddy came to join us. We just walked aimlessly while we had a catch up. On our travels we had found a balloon that said Birthday Boy, which we thought was pretty cool as that day was Scott's Birthday. We then ended up back at mine and ordered a Domino's as it was 2 for Tuesdays. Like you cannot resit the Domino's offers. For the Wednesday Hariette had the day off, so I decided to travel on the bus back to Horsford. I got some adorable photos of Sebbles in the garden, which made me feel like a professional photographer, and Nora got some good family cuddles in. I also managed to get a Zak's meal out of the trip which is always good. Thursday was pretty uneventful as I was mainly trying to complete housework jobs and look after my daughter. Friday was more of a busy day as I got up early with Nora to go to a blood test to check just how anaemic I am. Then we got the bus to my Nannie's house, because I had arranged to meet my

cousins and her children there. The girls were obsessed with Nora, and were constantly trying to give her some of there toys, and wanted to feed her cake and meringues. It was really good to sit outside and just chat to everyone. On the 24th my Dad came round for lunch, as Dean went to go and watch the football. We mainly chatted about Nora, trying to calm her down, as I think the weather that weekend was getting a bit much for her. It wasn't as bad as the heatwave though, and I managed to take her on a little walk with Dean as we went to Iceland for a quick food shop, before having a lazy evening where we may or may not have ordered yet another Domino's... It's a weakness okay.

Sunday was a really nice day, as we made a spontaneous trip to Chapelfield Gardens in the morning, as we thought it would be nice to get Nora outside before it got way too hot. I think she had a really good time, as it was mainly when we were walking home I think the heat then bothered her. The rest of the day was just spent inside hating the heat. On the bank holiday Monday it was pretty much a lazy day to avoid the heat, however in the afternoon I had this urge to be more productive, so Dean helped me to rearrange my flat again to try and make room for Nora's cot, as she is getting too big for her basket (she's growing so fast). After realising that no matter what we did to the bedroom, we don't think that it is going to work in there, so in the end we had to put her in the living room where my bookcases were, and the bookcases moved to the bedroom. Which was a task to achieve. Next day was again dying in the heat. Around lunchtime my

mum came to visit, and I spent most of the time sat outside in the shade with her failing to complete a Killer Sudoku puzzle. Then in the afternoon I met with Maddy for a picnic in the park. Which was a challenge considering I said we should go to the park outside the playhouse and forgot so walked all the way to Chapelfield Gardens, luckily Maddy met me there, because she is the greatest, and we had a really good catch up, Nora also enjoyed being out in the shade. We then decided to bring back a tradition of last year to watch Bake Off together, even though Nora was wanting all our attention. Wednesday was a little sad for me as Nora was having immunisations, and considering I hate needles myself, watching her scream out was not a pleasant experience. Luckily she did not have as bad a reaction as I thought and I was able to do a little shopping in the city. The following day was a little stressful, due to certain circumstances. But luckily for me I have some amazing people in my life, so my mum came to sit with me outside my flat, and we just chatted about this that and everything, then more into the evening Dean and Maddy came to see Nora and I and we again just talked and laughed and it helped distract me. Friday was pretty similar in terms of my mum coming to visit, and then in the evening I saw Maddy and Dean, but this time had the added bonus of ice cream. WOO. So we went to Sundaes Gelato to celebrate Maddy passing her exams. The final day of the month was spent just chilling in the morning with Dean, and then Nora and I headed into the city to see my dad and sister. We walked around in search of food, and finally ended up at Lucy's Chips on the Market. I was amazed as I was able to have a battered Quorn sausage! It was really good. Then we just sat near to city hall enjoying the nice weather. There was also a little protest outside city hall which was somewhat amusing. In the evening I just finished watching 13 reasons why, and Jesus that show feels like it goes on for a century, and had a mini shopping trip to Aldi. It was pretty relaxed.

So that was my month! Who is actually impressed that I have managed to write and post this on the 1st of September? I certainly am. I wouldn't expect it from future posts however. Well I shall see you when I see you!