Okay the actual first day of the month was pretty uneventful, so I've already broken the whole idea of the month being crazy. It was pretty much just Dean, Nora and I chilling at my flat. The following day was a little busier, I planned to go to the bank to sort an account for Nora, and before I went decided to take her to the library for a treat. It was really nice in there, and I enjoyed reading the book 'Worm loves worm' which made the lovely statement of how it doesn't matter how weddings have been traditionally a bride and a groom, and things go a certain way, because the most important thing is that they love each other. I think Nora also liked her time looking at books, and we even took a few home with us. We particularly liked Maisy's Bus as it reminded me of my own childhood. However, we didn't have much time to settle at home as we got ready to go out for a meal, which was rather special as it was us meeting Dean's family properly. We went to 'The Oak Tree' where I've never been before, but was highly intrigued by the 2 for £10 menu. They also had a good selection of vegetarian options which I was pleased with, I chose the vegetable lasagne, wasn't the best, I got confused by the inclusion of chickpeas. But I had a really good time getting to know more about Dean's life, as sometimes I feel we are very orientated around me. Plus Nora was very well behaved out, when usually she becomes very needy when I am trying to eat. The following day was pretty relaxed trying to have a bit of a tidy, I also want to say my mum came round to visit, but in all honesty I don't really remember. That evening though I met Maddy in Jarrolds as we discussed wool colours (I know super exciting), before heading to Tesco to collect supplies for Bake Off! Not that we were going to have a bake off, but to get snacks and drinks for her, myself and Amy to watch it. We also bought Amy a birthday cake as we were planning on giving her presents (yes I know Amy's Birthday was like a month beforehand, but she went on holiday and this was the first opportunity I had to present her with the present). We then settled at my flat, chatting and cooking as we waited for Amy, then once she had turned up there was more chatting and cooking. We then provided Amy with her gifts, had super long gossip time, before ultimately watching the bake off. There was some more chat as Dean arrived, and then Maddy and Amy had to go as they had work in the morning. It was then I realised we never got out Amy's Birthday cake, so Amy if you are reading this. I am sorry. The 4th September was pretty routine, hanging out with my daughter, we
also had a health visit, which went really well. Onto the Thursday which was a really cute day. We got the bus down to Horsford so that I can see Sebbles. Well he wasn't the only reason, we also went out to see my Grandad as Nora is a bit more alert and smiley now I thought it would be good for him to see her like that, following this was the traditional meal out with mum and Hariette where we went to the hungry horse. Here I had 2 interesting phone calls which was going to make the following week very interesting, you'll find out if you read on...

Once back from our holiday it was the usual kind of thing, seeing my mum and Maddy and Dean. Sunday was a little wander around the city and a trip to McDonald's where Nora was enjoying having raspberries blown on her tummy. Monday was very exciting, as I had yet another flat viewing. When I turned up there was a few people, so I wasn't feeling so hopeful. But by some miracle I was told I was... 2nd in the queue, so I knew it was going to be the same as the week before. However a miracle really did take place as those in first didn't want it! So I ran out to my mum and told her that I had to make a quick decision. And now I have a new flat! Woohoo! Nora has her own room and there's so much space! So very excited I began planning in my head the decorating of this new place and made a mental list of all the things needed to be done. Which began getting a bit stressful. But anyway, that evening when chilling with Nora and Dean, I managed to get her first proper laugh out of her. It was just the cutest. The following day was just a chilled time at the flat before Maddy came over to watch Bake-off, and planning things for the new flat. Wednesday 18th was a busy sorting out day. First was going to city hall to sign paper work and collect the keys to the new flat, then it was just hanging out with Nora before I had to go to a GP appointment, where I was given the sad news that my doctor was leaving the practice. So I was put in a bit of a stressful mood, as I really liked my GP. Anyway after that I then met with Maddy when she finished work and we took the bus down to the new flat, where she very kindly helped to measure for ovens and carpets and curtains, while I began to lose my mind on the phone to British Gas. Honestly moving is very stressful. Dean then met with us and we had a quick look around Carpetright before it closed, and a
little look around curry's before I realised that things are not as simple as they seem, and jsut went into a stress bubble. Luckily I had something to look forward to the next day as I planned to go bowling with Amy and Paige. Nora and I walked down to Riverside after just a boring day really, and then met the group at Chiquitos, where I had a delicious enchilada and we all had a good catch up. We then bowled, taking it in turns to entertain Nora, and then began the arcade quest. Collecting tickets galore, in the hopes of getting this toy Dumbo key chains.
The following day Dean took a half day at work, so in the afternoon we could try and sort out things for the new place. This mainly involved collecting pain from Johnstones, which they provided me with way too much choice, I did manage to restrict myself to only 3 colours though. And then I managed to order carpet to be put it which was able to happen a lot sooner than I was first told which was really good. However, it made me panic a little as dad said I should really want the painting finished before it gets put in. So pretty much the next week was a crazing painting nightmare. But I managed to have some amazing help from Dean, my mum, my dad, and my sister. They also helped to treat me which eased the stress. So on the 21st Dean took Nora and I to the Castle Carvery for a delicious roast dinner. Then on the Sunday we had a little shopping spree
in the city to buy equipment that might help. The 23rd was just a sorting day at the flat, before Hariette came for a sleepover. I think it was some much needed bonding time for her and Nora. Mum joined us the next day to help paint (mum taking the main job of looking after Nora) and treated us to a Zaks meal, because Zaks is just amazing. And then just painting painting painting.
Well there was a cute little trip to the library on the 27th. Where Nora looks so grown up when looking at books on her tummy. Then finally our carpets where fitted and the new flat started feeling more like a home. And that's it really. Just a panic trying to sort out the new flat, which is why this is being posted in November. Now I have to try and remember what I did in October. Wish me luck. Sorry if this didn't make any sense, I think I've tried to rush it to get it finished. Anyway see you when I see you!
You got me a Birthday cake?! I love how I find this out in November! 😂 I hope you enjoyed it and it didn't go to waste! 😊