Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Oooooo October.

So October was a pretty crazy month for me, having both good and bad moments. This post will just focus on the good, because I want to always remind myself that there is something positive going on. Due to the craziness it meant that I got a little behind with blogging so I apologise in advance if this post doesn't make much sense, as I am trying to remember everything I did, which is a bigger task than you may think. But I will try my best.

The first week of October wasn't actually that exciting and was mainly just trying to sort things for the upcoming move. So there was a lot of packing, on day one and then chilling in the evening with Dean and Nora watching Waterloo Road (which is essentially most of the evenings this month unless I state otherwise). Day two was a travel to the new flat to wait for someone to come and reinstate the gas. So most of the morning was spent trying to entertain Nora in an empty room. I'd say I did pretty well, and she showed off her physical capabilities. Finally the guy turned up and was able to get the heating working. However, he then had issues with the hot water, and even called a co-worker to help, it didn't, and he said he would return the next day.  Therefore, Nora and I had more time in the flat, this time they arrived a bit earlier. And it was a complication of weird parts but eventually the hot water began to work as well. WOO. This day was also interesting because a neighbouring cat broke into the flat by jumping through a window I had open to talk to my mum, who had come to drive Nora and I back home. He was a very cute cat that I have named Cornelius. We'll ignore the fact
my mum is fairly certain it's a girl cat.. Friday was a fun afternoon out with my sister, as we went shopping around the city, and Nora continued her obsessions with mobile phones by abducting Hariette's. Then that evening Dean and I went on a fun Tesco Shop so he could get some food for his stay this weekend, I remember going down the toy isle and seeing someone had placed a spooky Halloween mask on a Peppa Pig toy. It was pretty funny. Saturday was pretty much just a chilled day, but the team went on a little late night walk, which are always amusing because Nora makes the cutest little faces on these.

Sunday was again rather chilled, but the evening was very nice as Dean took us on a little date to Chiquitos as he has never experienced the delightful food there. I remember this evening quite well. We arrived and sat on one of the cool mosaic tables, and was able to watch all the drama unfold by the kitchen as various types of takeaway drivers would turn up and wait a century for there food order. Some of them would just walk off without even getting it. I also remember taking one of the Sombreros from the stand and letting Nora explore it. She looked very cute when I put it on her head, even if it was very big for her. Unfortunately the food was a bit of a let down. Not because it wasn't delicious, but they had decreased the size of their enchiladas!!! I felt bad for Dean as I had bigged this place up so much. I still had a lovely time though, and I hope he did as well. Monday 7th was pretty boring, as I was just trying to sort flat stuff again. However, my electricity then turned off, so I had to take Nora on a spontaneous walk to Londis to top up the key. She made the funniest faces at the trees. Next day was pretty similar, but also had a Health Visit for Nora, where we mainly discussed weaning. Turns out it is a lot different to what I thought, as it is just about exploring tastes and textures and wouldn't actually replace her milk feeds until she is closer to a year old. Which is a long way a way. Well not that much considering she is almost 4 months old at this point. On the Thursday my mum said about taking Nora and myself to go and see her friend Jane. I like going to Jane's as she is like an Auntie to me. Nora was exceptionally cute round there as well. She enjoys the attention. After this my mum asked if I wanted to go anywhere for lunch, so I
suggested Pizza Hut, and away we went. It was really nice and at one point Nora tried taking my cup of Pepsi Max, and it genuinely looked like she was going to drink out of it. Whilst there Hariette messaged saying that she didn't have her key so she was locked out after coming home from work, and because we were in the middle of eating I suggested that Hal met us. So we waited for her arrival, and she had some cuddles with Nora, and offered her some garlic bread which I'm certain Nora would have just taken. Then we had dessert (yumm, cookie dough) and headed home.

I saw mum and Hariette again on Friday as we had planned to get our haircut at the wonderful time of 6pm. But first mum came over to help me move a few of the smaller items to the new flat, as I had called people about hiring a van the next day. Once that was done she took us back to Horsford to hang out at the house until it was time for the haircut,  I was hoping to see Sebbles, but he had other ideas. Most of the time at the hairdressers was spent trying to take photo's of Nora in front of the Instagram wall. I was pretty happy with my haircut, went shorter which I find easier to maintain. Saturday was an exciting day as this was the official move. So once Dean and I had woken up, we made a start on preparing the items that were going to be put in the van, so Dean carefully dismantled the bed, and I took legs off the sofa and unpacked and unplugged the fridge freezer. The driver of the van was super friendly and we managed to get all the stuff moved within an hour which was pretty good. The family then came round to try and help assemble the furniture. So now I had officially moved! Only downside was that there was no internet until the 21st which was another reason as to why I was so delayed with blog posts and things. But Dean and I had managed to download episodes of Waterloo Road, so we were saved!!! Skipping to Monday 14th
when mum came to visit, bringing Nora some cool new toys. Then she dropped me back at the old flat so that I could clean it now I had moved out. I didn't do the best of jobs, because it's tough cleaning when you have a tiny baby. The next couple days were pretty chilled, until Wednesday evening when Dean offered to help clean the old flat some more when he had finished work. I mean I think the main reason he offered was so he could treat himself to ice cream from Sundaes Gelato. It was good ice cream to be fair.

Thursday 17th was pretty good. It began a little morbid as I had to relive a bunch of stuff as part of my wellbeing call, but the positive from that is there is going to be progress in my mood hopefully. After having lunch, I then decided to test walking into the city as there was a couple of jobs I needed to do. First was going to the library, and I read Nora some books. Then she took a nap as I went into boots to print some photographs as part of my Nannie and Granddad's birthday presents, and once that was finished we headed down to riverside to meet my friends. Which was much needed. First I went into spoons, as I was cold and needed a place to feed Nora, and this then became the meeting place for the group. First Maddy appeared, shortly followed by a confused Amy, who despite staring straight at me couldn't see us, then Emma, followed by Paige and eventually Siobhan. So we all had a little catch up here before deciding on going to grab food at Frankie and Benny's where I discovered that once again a restaurant has decided to get rid of my favourite vegetarian option. But I still had a really good time, it was fun watching Emma interact with Nora, considering Emma has been off in America most of Nora's life. She was singing her these weird songs she learnt whilst over there (Siobhan and I were amused by the actions for foreign car) and Emma also wanted to read all the different library books I had collected for Nora. On the Friday I decided to meet up with Hariette in the city as she was travelling home from London, so we did our usual shopping around. I then took the bus home with her, because the heavens opened up and it began to piss it down. I also experienced how unhelpful some people are when you are trying to get a
pushchair on or off the bus. The weekend was just pretty chilled staying at the flat with Nora and Dean. Which sounds so simple, but it is one of my favourite things to do. On the Monday, Mum wanted to come see Nora, and it was Hal's day off so we ventured into Riverside for a Nando's meal and a little bit of shopping at Morrisons/B&M, where I got a couple of items for the flat, and some things to get me excited for the approaching Halloween.

On the 22nd, I had to stay in as I had an appointment with my Perinatal Mental Health Worker. This was a good meeting as she said she was pleased with my progress and we sorted out me being discharged. Not long after this I also had a guy come to check that everything is working fine with the gas, so it was a pretty uneventful day really. But the next couple of days would make up for that because we were approaching my Nannie's Birthday. So the Wednesday Mum, Hal, Nannie, Nora and I all went to the Castle Carvery for a little celebration, and we gave Nannie her present (it was this family tree style photo thing, and she loved the pictures of Nora), also got to enjoy a delicious carvery. After parting ways, mum took us for a quick shop around Roys, where we got Nora this cute little push along monster car, she really enjoys playing with the fake string hair it has. The Next day Nannie came to collect Nora and myself from the flat and took us to her house. Here she had a whole houseful of family members to celebrate her birthday. Nora enjoyed the mass of attention she got. She was also trying to support herself sitting whilst looking at building blocks her second cousin was passing to her. Friday 25th Mum and Dad came for a visit to
try and help me sort out a cooker and a washing machine, we didn't really have much luck, but Nora was being cute giving them hugs and kisses so that made it all okay.  Another weekend, another chilled time with Dean and Nora, but it wasn't completely chilled as Dean decided he wanted a McDonald's for breakfast, so I ceased this opportunity to go to ASDA and get some Wellies as winter is coming.

Sunday was a little different however as at 1pm a car containing Amy, Paige and Emma came to pick Nora and myself up so we could go and collect pumpkins! I remember pumpkin picking with the group last year and it was a really nice time (distracted me perfectly from the drama that was going on) it was also the time I first told Emma I was pregnant, so to go back a year later with that baby was really good. So we managed to get to the place (despite Amy getting confused on a round-about going around it 3 times) and waited there for Siobhan her sister and nephew to arrive. Whilst we waited we took some pretty cute pictures at the booths. I was disappointed that the tractor had gone though. Once everyone had arrived we headed onto the field, which was cold, but not as wet as I thought it would be, and everyone went straight into choosing pumpkins. I got 3 because they were pretty cheap, besides it was Nora's first Halloween I had to go all out. After we got the pumpkins, we decided to carve them at mine (so this meant a panic run to ASDA to get the right equipment) but safely at mine we all started carving and listening to Emma's Halloween Soundtrack. It was a really nice time, and I was very pleased with everyone's creations. I don't think I really did much on the Monday because Nora and I were all funned out. So we shall skip to the 29th when mum decided she wanted to go in Smyth's Toy store. Oh my god that place is incredible. When I go in places like that I like to think about the Al's Toy Barn scene from Toy Story 2. We got Nora some toys, and a new cot mattress, as she is getting too big for her Moses basket :'( After this we went to the Copper Beach for a little carvery. The next day was a crafty day, as I was making cute Halloween decorations with Nora. I really wanted this Halloween to be special, because last year I went through one of the toughest days of my life so I wanted to replace that memory with some great ones. And I got some really nice ones. So first I got Nora kitted out in a kitten onesie, and
even painted whiskers on my face to join in with the fun, and we headed into the city so I could get some cat ears from Beaujangles to complete the look. When then had a quick stop at the library to get some new books before heading to the doctors as Nora had a spooky injection. She was really smiley and happy until the needle went in her leg. But after a cuddle she was back to her usual self and was happy for her Auntie and Nanny to come visit. After that Dean came round, like he usually does, and we all decorated these gingerbread pumpkins. Super cute!

So that was my crazyish October, and I'm sorry it probably made no sense, but I try and write these around looking after a baby so please forgive me. To be fair I doubt anyone really cares, I mainly just write these for myself to look back on and be like, oh yeah I remember that day... Anyway... See you when I see you!

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

So September.

Hey, so this month I have been nowhere near as organised as I was last month, because it has been crazy and you are about to find out why. I'm a little worried that I have made this post sound more interesting than it is probably going to turn out to be, so please do not follow the hype just because I am likely to disappoint. Anyway here goes.

Okay the actual first day of the month was pretty uneventful, so I've already broken the whole idea of the month being crazy. It was pretty much just Dean, Nora and I chilling at my flat. The following day was a little busier, I planned to go to the bank to sort an account for Nora, and before I went decided to take her to the library for a treat. It was really nice in there, and I enjoyed reading the book 'Worm loves worm' which made the lovely statement of how it doesn't matter how weddings have been traditionally a bride and a groom, and things go a certain way, because the most important thing is that they love each other. I think Nora also liked her time looking at books, and we even took a few home with us. We particularly liked Maisy's Bus as it reminded me of my own childhood.   However, we didn't have much time to settle at home as we got ready to go out for a meal, which was rather special as it was us meeting Dean's family properly. We went to 'The Oak Tree' where I've never been before, but was highly intrigued by the 2 for £10 menu. They also had a good selection of vegetarian options which I was pleased with, I chose the vegetable lasagne, wasn't the best, I got confused by the inclusion of chickpeas. But I had a really good time getting to know more about Dean's life, as sometimes I feel we are very orientated around me. Plus Nora was very well behaved out, when usually she becomes very needy when I am trying to eat. The following day was pretty relaxed trying to have a bit of a tidy, I also want to say my mum came round to visit, but in all honesty I don't really remember. That evening though I met Maddy in Jarrolds as we discussed wool colours (I know super exciting), before heading to Tesco to collect supplies for Bake Off! Not that we were going to have a bake off, but to get snacks and drinks for her, myself and Amy to watch it. We also bought Amy a birthday cake as we were planning on giving her presents (yes I know Amy's Birthday was like a month beforehand, but she went on holiday and this was the first opportunity I had to present her with the present). We then settled at my flat, chatting and cooking as we waited for Amy, then once she had turned up there was more chatting and cooking. We then provided Amy with her gifts, had super long gossip time, before ultimately watching the bake off. There was some more chat as Dean arrived, and then Maddy and Amy had to go as they had work in the morning. It was then I realised we never got out Amy's Birthday cake, so Amy if you are reading this. I am sorry. The 4th September was pretty routine, hanging out with my daughter, we
also had a health visit, which went really well. Onto the Thursday which was a really cute day. We got the bus down to Horsford so that I can see Sebbles. Well he wasn't the only reason, we also went out to see my Grandad as Nora is a bit more alert and smiley now I thought it would be good for him to see her like that, following this was the traditional meal out with mum and Hariette where we went to the hungry horse. Here I had 2 interesting phone calls which was going to make the following week very interesting, you'll find out if you read on...

Friday was also a pretty good day, Hariette and mum came to visit us at the flat and we walked across to 'The Golden Star' for lunch (Yes I am fully aware of how much I have eaten out in September so far, do not fear it's only going to get worse) Nora was being super cute when taking pictures, and very much enjoyed standing on the table. Other than that it was a pretty chilled evening, with a late night walk to Tesco, I love these little trips because Nora would look so amazed at the world in the dark. The next day was pretty chilled, Maddy came over to hang out with myself Nora and Dean. This is when we decided to finally consume the caterpillar cake. Dean opting to hold it like a burrito and attack it, Maddy and I just peeling off the chocolate layer. Then for the evening Dean, Nora and I went to Pizza Hut, for a cute little date, Nora was being exceptionally cute. Then we went on a little shopping trip around Morrisons. I got excited by the random giant balloons. Sunday was then pretty chilled around packing up for the very exciting week ahead, HOLIDAY!!! Which you can read all about in  this handy little post. But before we could head out for our holiday fun, first I had to view a flat. I turned up and there was only one other person there to view it. So it was looking good, however, she was higher up in the queue than myself and she wanted it. The same happened when Dean and I had to travel back for a viewing on the Thursday. Which was a little annoying as it disrupted our holiday.

Once back from our holiday it was the usual kind of thing, seeing my mum and Maddy and Dean. Sunday was a little wander around the city and a trip to McDonald's where Nora was enjoying having raspberries blown on her tummy. Monday was very exciting, as I had yet another flat viewing. When I turned up there was a few people, so I wasn't feeling so hopeful. But by some miracle I was told I was... 2nd in the queue, so I knew it was going to be the same as the week before. However a miracle really did take place as those in first didn't want it! So I ran out to my mum and told her that I had to make a quick decision. And now I have a new flat! Woohoo! Nora has her own room and there's so much space! So very excited I began planning in my head the decorating of this new place and made a mental list of all the things needed to be done. Which began getting a bit stressful. But anyway, that evening when chilling with Nora and Dean, I managed to get her first proper laugh out of her. It was just the cutest. The following day was just a chilled time at the flat before Maddy came over to watch Bake-off, and planning things for the new flat. Wednesday 18th was a busy sorting out day. First was going to city hall to sign paper work and collect the keys to the new flat, then it was just hanging out with Nora before I had to go to a GP appointment, where I was given the sad news that my doctor was leaving the practice. So I was put in a bit of a stressful mood, as I really liked my GP. Anyway after that I then met with Maddy when she finished work and we took the bus down to the new flat, where she very kindly helped to measure for ovens and carpets and curtains, while I began to lose my mind on the phone to British Gas. Honestly moving is very stressful. Dean then met with us and we had a quick look around Carpetright before it closed, and a
little look around curry's before I realised that things are not as simple as they seem, and jsut went into a stress bubble. Luckily I had something to look forward to the next day as I planned to go bowling with Amy and Paige. Nora and I walked down to Riverside after just a boring day really, and then met the group at Chiquitos, where I had a delicious enchilada and we all had a good catch up. We then bowled, taking it in turns to entertain Nora, and then began the arcade quest. Collecting tickets galore, in the hopes of getting this toy Dumbo key chains.

The following day Dean took a half day at work, so in the afternoon we could try and sort out things for the new place. This mainly involved collecting pain from Johnstones, which they provided me with way too much choice, I did manage to restrict myself to only 3 colours though. And then I managed to order carpet to be put it which was able to happen a lot sooner than I was first told which was really good. However, it made me panic a little as dad said I should really want the painting finished before it gets put in. So pretty much the next week was a crazing painting nightmare. But I managed to have some amazing help from Dean, my mum, my dad, and my sister. They also helped to treat me which eased the stress. So on the 21st Dean took Nora and I to the Castle Carvery for a delicious roast dinner. Then on the Sunday we had a little shopping spree
in the city to buy equipment that might help. The 23rd was just a sorting day at the flat, before Hariette came for a sleepover. I think it was some much needed bonding time for her and Nora. Mum joined us the next day to help paint (mum taking the main job of looking after Nora) and treated us to a Zaks meal, because Zaks is just amazing. And then just painting painting painting.

Well there was a cute little trip to the library on the 27th. Where Nora looks so grown up when looking at books on her tummy.  Then finally our carpets where fitted and the new flat started feeling more like a home. And that's it really. Just a panic trying to sort out the new flat, which is why this is being posted in November. Now I have to try and remember what I did in October. Wish me luck. Sorry if this didn't make any sense, I think I've tried to rush it to get it finished. Anyway see you when I see you!

Monday, 28 October 2019


I'm not even sorry for the title.

But to excuse it, for like the month leading up to the Holiday, Dean and I were getting very excited and would say Yay after saying Holiday and it got to a point where it was just easier to say HoliYAY! Because ultra excitement. Anyway to the actual post.

This post is very exciting to me for a couple of reasons, 1. I actually went on holiday for the first time in years and 2. it gave me the opportunity to make a video montage, which I remember how I hate but love to do. So there you go. But obviously the problem with my montages is that they do not fully capture the true energy of the holibobs, hence why I still have to post about it    like this.

It wasn't a very long holiday, mainly because we have to factor in a 3 month old baby, and how much time Dean could take off work, and the cost of it all. So we settled for 5 days in Hemsby....well Newport, because there were no more chalet's available in Hemsby, but still the idea was a beach not too far away from where we live. We begin the journey Monday afternoon and stop at a McDonald's on the way for lunch, because everybody knows it is not a holiday without eating out places. We just ate in Dean's car, because Nora had fallen asleep, so the hassle of taking her out of the car wasn't really worth it. Plus it then allowed for me to make a fool of myself as I attempted to throw the waste into the bin from the car window. We then got to the chalet and had a nose around, and settled in, before venturing out to find what was local, and how long it took to walk
around to Hemsby. I'll be honest the route we took was not the best, as trying to get a pushchair across sand dunes is a task and a half, but it wasn't unbearable and we safely made it to our destination. So we played a bit of bingo, went on some games, and then found a better route back. We decided to head to Co-Op for supplies and had a nice cooked meal snuggled under a duvet and watching Four in a Bed, which became a nice little holiday tradition.

Surprisingly Nora slept pretty well in this new place, and we woke up around 6 in the morning. So I read her some books before Dean joined us. This day was the day I was most looking forward to as we had gotten tickets to go to the Sea Life!!! We got to Great Yarmouth at like 10am and it was beautifully quiet, and we started seeing all the sea creatures. Nora was asleep through some parts, so we did go back and forth a bit so she can have a look when a little more awake. I think she really liked the lights in the Jellyfish tank. We then had some food at their
little cafe which was actually delicious, and I spent like a year in the gift shop deciding on the perfect penguin souvenir. I went with the small one (as it was cheaper...) and we named him Pineapples. Don't ask why. As we still had some time we thought we would go back around the sea life, which I'm glad we did as some of the creatures were more alert this time. There was a little stingray doing a dance and it was incredible. Plus I managed to get some cuter pictures of the time.

Now this was already seems like a pretty busy day, but it was far from over. So next we went to the Merrivale Model Village, as Dean had never been. It was fun to press all the buttons, and Nora enjoyed being walked around, she must have felt like a giant in comparison. I felt like a giant in comparison. After we very quickly made our way around we decided to have some fun on Wellington pier, playing arcade games and just enjoying the view. We then settled back at the chalet for Four in a Bed and DOMINOS!!! Woo!! Can't have a holiday without ordering our favourite pizza.

Another adventure took place on the Wednesday as we went somewhere I have never been. Thrigby Hall. Now I knew it wasn't going to be anything like a proper zoo, but I still really liked it. The various types of cats entertained me the most. I also got to see porcupines move about, because usually when I see them they are just all snuggled up with each other. I also enjoyed looking at the big snake, and was proud of Nora for happily watching all the
animals. Part of me was hoping for a Harry Potter moment with the snake though, didn't happen. Other noteworthy animals were definitely the meerkats, tortoises and crocodiles. It was just a shame the weather wasn't perfect that day, so we ended up in the cafe a lot. We then chilled a little back at the chalet, before heading to a local pub for some food. Then we decided to go round to Hemsby for some late evening bingo!

Thursday was a little different as we had to drive back to Norwich for a flat viewing, literally the drive was longer than us being there. But anyway, we then got back to the holiday and went to Hemsby for a relaxed day at the beach. First stopping for chips, because you cannot go to the seaside without getting some chips. So we set up a cute little camp on the beach, after a struggle getting a pushchair across the sand. And we just enjoyed the nice weather, chatting writing in the sand, Nora explored the sand for the first time. It was just a really nice and simple day. That afternoon we saw my Nanny for a little bit, and then headed back to the chalet for some home cooking and four in bed. I miss watching all the random tv. Friday was essentially tidying the chalet, and then a final bingo and arcade run before we had to head home.

So that was it really, just a simple little get away, and I couldn't have asked for better companions. I just hope we can have more extravagant getaways. I guess I will just see you when I see you when I see you!

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Awesome August.

Hello, we are back once again to talk about what I have done over the last month because I like to look back on these to help me remember the good things, especially when things don't look so good. Plus I like having something to create to occupy my mind when my daughter is having a nap, so here goes!

On the first of the month, Nora was starting to be a lot more alert and active, so we tested out her bouncer, and she was looking at the sensory book. Then we had some tummy time, and I got the cutest pictures of her being super clever lifting herself momentarily. We then took a little walk down the road to the Charing Cross Centre to have a meeting about mediation. After this meeting I did feel a lot better about my circumstances, as it was yet another person telling me that I was making reasonable choices for my daughter. So yay. The woman also suggested I got official legal advice to help empower myself so I went a booked in for a free phone call. I then spent the rest of the day interacting with Nora, who was being very good, and calling my mum. And as per usual every evening Dean comes to hang out. So just assume as you read along that always happens, because I cannot be bothered to type it out every time. The following day was another lovely visit from my parents in the afternoon and then about 6ish I got Nora and I ready to go and meet Amy,
Siobhan and Maddy at Pizza Hut. Nora fell asleep on the walk down there, after showing Maddy how she likes to stare at the safety label of her car seat more than anything else going on around her, and was asleep the whole time. It was a blessing. This gave me the opportunity to have a much needed catch up with everybody. And it was nice to do something that I used to do, like meet with a group of friends. We even planned a holiday I'm sure none of us will commit to. Classic. We stayed out until 10pm, when Nora would have needed another feed, so Dean very kindly met us at Riverside to drive us back and I tried to settle her for the night. Saturday was then a pretty good day as Dean and I went for a meal with his mum at spoons, then managed to get a couple of productive things done, before Nora came back to me.

Sunday was another attempt at a lazy day with Dean before Maddy came to join us in the afternoon. She had another good cuddle with Nora to bounce her off to sleep. And Nora was smiling at everyone which is really good to see. The next two days was spent with my Nannie (the one who isn't in Hemsby), so on the Monday I took the bus down to the Bob Carter Sports Centre where my Nannie and her friends have been playing Badminton since I was Nora's age, because they all wanted to meet her as well. So she got lots of attention while she had a very good sleep. I also had a nice chat with them, and it was nice being back there, as it was a place I used to go all the time growing up. After this, we went shopping with my Nannie in Sainsbury's then headed to hers for some lunch and cuddles and catch up. The following day Nannie collected us to drive us down to Lowestoft. Nora rather enjoyed the drive having yet another good sleep, and on this drive I had my legal advice phone call which made me feel so much better. I then went inside to see my great-aunt? I think that's how I'm related to her. Either way we were there to visit extended family. It was again really good to have a catch up, and show off how adorable Nora can be. On the
7th my mum came to visit, and took us out to lunch at the Golden Star and we had a good chat, then later in the afternoon Dad came to see us as well, because this was his last proper opportunity before he starts his new job, so he was wanting all the Nora cuddles he could get. Thursday was mainly a day at home, trying to be productive when Nora had naps, and having naps myself as well. As well as just interacting with her. I did get out of the flat for an hour to take Nora around my old workplace, to have a catch up and see how much stuff had changed. That evening Dean didn't come round and instead we traded him out for Paige, as Nora hadn't met her yet. We managed to have a happy cuddle where Nora would not let go of Paige's finger, before she had a good sleep so Paige and I could just chat the night away.

Friday 9th was just a day at the flat being ultra productive, like I really felt like I had the whole parenting thing down, until that night where Nora hardly slept making Dean and I very tired. But I couldn't let that get to me as I was meeting Hariette in the city for a little bit, to do some shopping. So first Dean and I tried to wake ourselves up by going out to McDonald's for breakfast, Nora quite enjoyed staring at the wooden circles on the wall while we ate. Then I parted with Dean to meet Hariette outside Primark where I treated myself to a new checked shirt, and Nora to this adorable jumper dress. Nora had also developed a dislike for her pushchair and insisted either Hariette or myself carried her around the shops. But we got back to the flat and had a feed before she ventured out with her dad. So Dean and I had lunch and went to do a food shop and had some time to ourselves before Nora came back and demanded all the attention. The following day Dean drove us up to Hemsby where she was a little happier to be there, Nanny finally got a smile out of her when they were having a cuddle, and Hariette got a lovely video of her smiling away. We also played some bingo, but there wasn't as much luck as there usually is, I only managed to get half a win. But it was still better than Dean, Bahahaha. We then got some ice cream, and there
was this flavour called "Black Panther" turns out it was just a dyed vanilla, but I had to get it for the pure fact it was pitch black in colour. I tried to also go on the beach but it was too full of people and not worth the effort. Dean was very tired from the weekend, so left us to have an early night. Which helped me catch up on sleep for another productive day Monday. It started with Nora and I basically doing every activity a baby of her age could do, before her Nanny and Auntie came for a visit. They had some cuddles before she had to go spend time with her dad. So I continued my getting housework done streak, to the point I'm basically caught up on the clothes washes. WOO! Then I spent most of the afternoon chatting with Hariette, trying on her wig. When Nora got back she became a little stressful as she was very tired but refused to have a nap. But once the dream team of Elli and Dean finally got her off to sleep, we decided to book ourselves a little Holiday. It's nothing extravagant because we have restrictions, but we came to the conclusion we needed some time away. Me especially.

The Tuesday was a pretty good day, as I managed to have a refreshing sleep, so Nora and I had a fun morning singing songs. After lunch we then had bath time, and for once Nora was actually smiley and happy, well until I washed her hair. Then I thought to go into the city to get a teether to help soothe Nora, on our travels we went to have a little catch up with Siobhan. On the Wednesday I decided to travel to my parents house with Nora, because I missed my little bundle of fluff. Nora again was very good on the journey down, and managed to have a good cuddle with my mum before she got a bit stressed from teething pain. She explored her new play mat and I managed to get a few adorable photos, and Nora then fell asleep on her auntie in an attempt to stop her going to work. Nora managed to do okay when my dad got home from work, and at the same time Sebbles ventured in, I think he's started working with my father. Seb was very curious again about Nora, but this time I don't think she was as keen. As it was getting late, Dean then came to take us home, and we had a pretty good evening. Thursday morning I had a visit from my perinatal mental health nurse, which was needed as I've had moments the last couple of weeks. Hence why I just want to remind myself of the good times in posts like this. But she helped me feel a bit more reassured, and then when Nora would smile, and I saw Dean in the evening, I just felt better. So moving on to the Friday, where mum came to visit, we had a good chat whilst outside and she treated me to lunch at The Golden Star. Saturday was a pretty good day, as we got up early for Dean had to take his car to be serviced, but this lead to a fun shop around B&M where I was trying to get Dean
excited about everything, I also got some things I needed. Then a nice walk down to the Whiffler where we enjoyed a nice cooked breakfast. Then Nora insisted on being carried as we walked back to the car place, but it was really nice. I then sorted some of Nora's clothes as she's growing too fast, then headed into the city to shop whilst Dean went to watch the footyball. Sunday was a productive start, as I gave some clothes to charity and then did a little food shop. Then it was a pretty chilled day hanging out with Dean and Nora.

On the 19th, I met up with my sister in the city as she got a train back from London, and we decided to do what we always do on a Hari/Elli shoppy day, which is to go and get a Nandos. It was a delicious meal, and once again Nora insisted that she was held and carried around everywhere. After this we then went to the doctors for our first proper check up, and everything is going well with Nora. I on the other hand
have been put on iron tablets and instructed to take vitamin D. So there's that to remember on a daily basis. The next eventful thing to happen was the following day, when mum came round to visit me and Nora, and she was able to get a lot of smiley cuddles. Nora was also properly sticking her tongue out in response to mum which was just adorable. In the afternoon I took Nora for a walk in the sling, where Maddy came to join us. We just walked aimlessly while we had a catch up. On our travels we had found a balloon that said Birthday Boy, which we thought was pretty cool as that day was Scott's Birthday. We then ended up back at mine and ordered a Domino's as it was 2 for Tuesdays. Like you cannot resit the Domino's offers. For the Wednesday Hariette had the day off, so I decided to travel on the bus back to Horsford. I got some adorable photos of Sebbles in the garden, which made me feel like a professional photographer, and Nora got some good family cuddles in. I also managed to get a Zak's meal out of the trip which is always good. Thursday was pretty uneventful as I was mainly trying to complete housework jobs and look after my daughter. Friday was more of a busy day as I got up early with Nora to go to a blood test to check just how anaemic I am. Then we got the bus to my Nannie's house, because I had arranged to meet my
cousins and her children there. The girls were obsessed with Nora, and were constantly trying to give her some of there toys, and wanted to feed her cake and meringues. It was really good to sit outside and just chat to everyone. On the 24th my Dad came round for lunch, as Dean went to go and watch the football. We mainly chatted about Nora, trying to calm her down, as I think the weather that weekend was getting a bit much for her. It wasn't as bad as the heatwave though, and I managed to take her on a little walk with Dean as we went to Iceland for a quick food shop, before having a lazy evening where we may or may not have ordered yet another Domino's... It's a weakness okay.

Sunday was a really nice day, as we made a spontaneous trip to Chapelfield Gardens in the morning, as we thought it would be nice to get Nora outside before it got way too hot. I think she had a really good time, as it was mainly when we were walking home I think the heat then bothered her. The rest of the day was just spent inside hating the heat. On the bank holiday Monday it was pretty much a lazy day to avoid the heat, however in the afternoon I had this urge to be more productive, so Dean helped me to rearrange my flat again to try and make room for Nora's cot, as she is getting too big for her basket (she's growing so fast). After realising that no matter what we did to the bedroom, we don't think that it is going to work in there, so in the end we had to put her in the living room where my bookcases were, and the bookcases moved to the bedroom. Which was a task to achieve. Next day was again dying in the heat. Around lunchtime my
mum came to visit, and I spent most of the time sat outside in the shade with her failing to complete a Killer Sudoku puzzle. Then in the afternoon I met with Maddy for a picnic in the park. Which was a challenge considering I said we should go to the park outside the playhouse and forgot so walked all the way to Chapelfield Gardens, luckily Maddy met me there, because she is the greatest, and we had a really good catch up, Nora also enjoyed being out in the shade. We then decided to bring back a tradition of last year to watch Bake Off together, even though Nora was wanting all our attention. Wednesday was a little sad for me as Nora was having immunisations, and considering I hate needles myself, watching her scream out was not a pleasant experience. Luckily she did not have as bad a reaction as I thought and I was able to do a little shopping in the city. The following day was a little stressful, due to certain circumstances. But luckily for me I have some amazing people in my life, so my mum came to sit with me outside my flat, and we just chatted about this that and everything, then more into the evening Dean and Maddy came to see Nora and I and we again just talked and laughed and it helped distract me. Friday was pretty similar in terms of my mum coming to visit, and then in the evening I saw Maddy and Dean, but this time had the added bonus of ice cream. WOO. So we went to Sundaes Gelato to celebrate Maddy passing her exams. The final day of the month was spent just chilling in the morning with Dean, and then Nora and I headed into the city to see my dad and sister. We walked around in search of food, and finally ended up at Lucy's Chips on the Market. I was amazed as I was able to have a battered Quorn sausage! It was really good. Then we just sat near to city hall enjoying the nice weather. There was also a little protest outside city hall which was somewhat amusing. In the evening I just finished watching 13 reasons why, and Jesus that show feels like it goes on for a century, and had a mini shopping trip to Aldi. It was pretty relaxed.

So that was my month! Who is actually impressed that I have managed to write and post this on the 1st of September? I certainly am. I wouldn't expect it from future posts however. Well I shall see you when I see you!