To sum up the story. I've been signed off work for the next 4 weeks. And as soon as I was told this news, I was so happy. Because the stress I've felt from work had just gotten to much, and I felt like I wouldn't do things for myself, or when I did I couldn't fully enjoy it because I was tired. Therefore I feel relieved that for the next month, I can just do what I want, and not have to worry about it. Until it comes to the time I have to go back. If I go back. Those are the conversations I have to have with myself and it is terrifying.
My plans in this time to try and get away from my hermit state, be productive. So I will be:
- Looking for new jobs, that will not be as stressful and hopefully closer to where I live.
- Cleaning my flat and regaining some kind of routine to keep on top of it.
- Seeing my friends and family, because when I look back at the stressful times being with people was the only time I was happy.
- Starting up my diet again, because it failed due to stress eating. This will also link with starting to exercise.
- Blogging/editing videos. As I had a few videos in the editing stage that have never gotten further than that, and I just like these times because it's a chance to be creative, and now I don't have the stress of work it would be good.
- Playing sims. Because I spent a lot of money on this game, and I don't really play it enough because I just never had the time.
I'm excited to have this period of time, even though I wish it didn't get to the level it got. And I also hope that I don't get to that point again, especially coming to the end of the time away. We will see.
Sorry this is a weird post, but I just wanted to kind of use this as my thinking space, because this is a weird time for me. To be fair when aren't times weird for me.
See you when I see you!