Monday 28 May 2018

13 Reasons Why.

What's this? An actual blog post, with somewhat decent content? Emphasis on the word somewhat, because me and decent never really mix well. Anyway... Let's start by saying that I am very confused. Because I began writing out this blog post, with the knowledge that I had already talked about the first season of the show which is mentioned in the title of this post. But after trying to locate it so I could link it in, I realised I have fabricated this whole event. Unless I had drafted one and then deleted it because I felt it lost it's relevance, I don't know. So I guess we are just going to have to talk about the whole two series of joy. Haha. Prepare for a very ranty ride ladies and gentlemen. 

By the way. 


Let's start with season one then I guess, which I would just have to base purely on memory because I haven't seen it in like a year. Here we go. Basically I enjoyed the premise of the show, the fact you had a journey to discover the reasons why a girl felt like suicide was her only option. But I felt like things were very dramatised around it, making all the events seem somewhat far-fetched. Yeah I believe that people can be bullied over a picture, friendships end, guys are dicks, and that being raped can happen, and I'm sure there are cases that all of this does happen to one individual which is truly awful, but I just felt like given the circumstances, it was dramatic bullshit. Mainly and purely for the fact that so many people heard about the accused rape. And did nothing. One of which being a member of faculty. Therefore I spent the last episode (and most of the series to be fair) hating practically all the characters. Because I just hate thinking people can act like that. 

So then we go on to why I had to watch season two. So I can hopefully have a bit of closure, and characters can redeem themselves. And what a fucking waste of time that was. I don't know why, but I watch a lot of shows, all with like an hour long episode, and those can feel like they end too quickly. 13 reasons why however, you zone out feeling like half a day has passed and you still ain't finished the episode. Pure torture.  I just feel the show would work better as half an hour episodes. But that's just me. Anyway, I got no closure, because some characters just make me so fucking angry. Marcus, like why would you lie in court to protect him?! Makes no bloody sense. Then there's Montgomery who made me want Tyler to shoot someone. Because that (I want to use the C word, and if you know me you know that's some serious shit) needs to be fucking dealt with.

I guess I am more outraged about how there are people in the world that are genuinely like this. And I am happy the show portrays these people because hopefully it get's the world to see that we need to sort this out. We need to stop people being dicks so others don't kill themselves, or go on murderous rampages.

Yeah, this was a weird write, but I just had to vent some feelings after watching this show. Because there are just so many emotions, and if I do not explain to use the reasons why, then I don't think the outcome will be good.

Thank you for sticking with me, sure it can't be easy.

I'll see you when I see you!

Sunday 20 May 2018

Mad Adventures: Newcastle.

Hey you lucky bunch. I've actually made another post for the month. And it's a video. Don't expect this often though. This is just a video about my trip to Newcastle with Maddy, so enjoy!
See you when I see you!

Saturday 12 May 2018

Awkward April.


Yes I know we are 12 days into May, so I should probably get started on that video now so I can actually post on time. But as I briefly explained I had technological issues, and then was very busy. You're lucky it is done now. Enjoy this mediocre piece of stupidity.

See you when I see you!

Monday 7 May 2018


Hello everybody, I just thought I'd write a quick little post. Not that anyone aside from myself really cares. Basically I was super prepared for the May post about what I did during April, but technology had other ideas, I have re filmed just need to edit so it will be delayed, hence why I want to warn you about it. This weekend has been very busy, but in such a great way, which is why the blog has taken a bit of a break. Just be happy I am happy.

See you when I see you!