Monday 2 November 2015

Life Update!

Hey, so it's been awhile since you've read about what I have been up to. Which isn't actually very much. But I'll try and make this as interesting as I can. So I'll split this into sections like I did last time. 

Apprenticeship: Things have improved in this department, as I am getting a better hold on my work. Yeah I still have stress days before my assessor comes in but I think that is normal. I'm starting to feel more like I fit in now which is always good, and recently we had a pj day and I was loving it, and it made everyone seem more relaxed and happy, which is always good. A bad side to it however is that some of my favourite members of staff are leaving, or considering leaving. Which makes me worry that things are going to be a bit shit. But hopefully it won't get that bad, I'll try to find a silver lining to it all I guess. Overall I'm happy with this, and am glad to have found it when I did. 

Social Life: So I'm still being pretty shit with talking to my friends as much as I would like to, but it's just I have nothing to talk about. But I still try to make efforts, by joining in with the group chat when I can, or tagging people in funny posts I find hoping that will lead to something, and more recently making plans to meet up. However most people are at Uni now so it was only really 5 of us. But I still had fun with them all, and it was nice to just chat about nothing. I think being away from people does make me a bit more social. Which sounds weird but to me makes sense. 

Personal Stuff: A new thing with me is that I want to start exercising. And after having a chat with Claire and Lish on the bus it made me realise that I am really the only thing stopping me. So my plan is to organise when and how I want to do this and just do it, and stick with it, and not be worried when I don't get immediate results. Hopefully when I am next posting I can tell you all about how I have started this and how well it is going. 

I guess this will do for now, as nothing else is really going on. 

See you when I see you!