Monday, 28 September 2015

Where Have I Been!?

Hey, so it has been a long while. A very long while since you have last read a post from me, and I am very sorry for it. But in my defence it has been a busy month. I started my new job and was just in the whole settling in stage and figuring out my schedules and things, and whenever I tried settling down to post I was just too tired. Also my sister has returned home from Derby and has been with me every night so I don't feel like blogging when she is around. 

But all of this has put me in the place of, I would like to blog, but as I can't really talk about what happens at my job, and stuff outside that is really boring. I don't have anything to really talk about. Which again is why I have been quiet for however long it has been. Then again, I loved having a blog because it helps me talk about things and rant about things and blahdeblahblah. So it may not be as regular as it used to be, but I am going to continue with it as often as I possibly can. 

So with this post I will just update you on my life from then to now. 

Apprenticeship: At first I was really nervous because I am usually one of those people who takes a while to settle in, but I think I am getting there now and feel I have some good friendships with some of my colleagues. Though it was because of this awkwardness I had I started falling behind with my work and getting a bit stressed out with it all. So when my assessor came in like 8 days early I barely had anything to show her, making me feel like shit. But then I got my act together stressing myself out for her next visit (like two weeks after the first). She told me she really liked all the work I did and then expressed this to the management team who told me they were impressed and I was so confused because I didn't think I did that well. But yay! So I am a lot happier now because I am more confident that the work I do is right and having support to do so. 

Social Life: I'd say since 6th form ended I probably have not been the chattiest. Mainly because like I said my life is boring so I have nothing to talk about. But now I know what I am doing and feel settled with it I am going to become more social with those I want to keep close to. Which is why yesterday I organised a little meet up in the city. Which was so nice, mainly because I saw Paige who I have not seen in months (as she didn't go to 6th form) and we got to bond over our similar jobs, seeing everyone else was great to and we had gossips and fangirl moments and talking about when to next meet up. So it was really nice. I also got to say a proper goodbye to Emma as well before she left for uni. I think it is because of some people leaving that I want to try harder to keep them in my life, which is why I find it weird I talk to Giancarlo more than I have ever really done, but it's nice considering he is now so far away. Before I made this choice to speak to everyone I only really spoke to people in the group chat (which was rare) and Harvey and Ashton who I would see on the bus, and I found that odd because I would talk to them more than my closest friends. But to recap, going to be more social, because friends are important. 

There is a final aspect of my life but I think I am going to save that for another post. So I hope you enjoyed hearing from me after all this time, and I hope to see you soon. I guess getting rid of the daily blog means I can't use my usual send off message, so I should think of a new one. Let's just go with:

See you when I see you! 

It's pretty similar and more accurate :P